Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I can't believe we are almost at the end of the alphabet again.
Today's letter is " X ".
On the first day of decorating for our church Christmas programs I was watching our friend Jeff way up on the lift.
It dawned on me that I was looking at my " X " post right there in front of my nose.
So I grabbed my camera and took a picture. When I explained why I was taking this picture people thought I was a bit strange.
I don't think Jeff believes people from all over the world will see him up in the rafters.
To see what others have posted for the letter " X " check out Mrs. Nesbitts link on my sidebar.
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mrsnesbitt said...

Oh yes, very good. I bet you saw this and thought of ABC Wednesday straight away you cunning fox!
Happy New Year!

Amy said...

Sue, Exactly right! When I see certain things now, I think of the next letter. It's been a fun exercise, that's for sure. Good multi-X!!!

Beverly said...

People do look at us funny sometimes, don't they, when we're taking pictures of the craziest things.

I got your card yesterday. Thanks so much.

Olivier said...

tu donneras le bonjour à Jeff de France ;) bonne idée

Tania said...

Hehe, very good X:-)
Wish you a Happy New Year!

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

have to say I didn't notice him until I looked the large size version. It looks a bit precarious to me.

Sylvia K said...

What a fun, terrific shot for the X day! I love it! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!


Reader Wil said...

That's a piece of luck to come across such a beautiful set of X's! Have a great week and Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Perfect! I know my mind is always thin king of the next post :)! Thank you for your comment today!

Joy said...

Oh a whole row of X in that photo, great capture. Happy new year to you and hello to Jeff from over the pond.

Roger Owen Green said...

Always good to find the letters within items, especially the tougher ones.

Kim, USA said...

Great idea for letter X..that is multiple X then..Happy New Year!

ABC Wednesday:Xerophyte

Martha said...

LOL, people always look at my strange when I photograph "odd" things. They just don't get it....

Great idea for X!
My ABC & Watery Wednesday

Unknown said...

I love that you decorate your church. You are such a blessing. You always make me thankful : )! Hope your new year is filled with LOTS of wonderful things!

Hildred said...

An observant eye and a quick brain make a wonderful and colourful X - good for you!

Wanda said...

What a perfect X ~~~ Know your church must have looks wonderful after the decorations....

Rinkly Rimes said...

Not one X but several! How clever can you get!

Rune Eide said...

I think I would have felt a bit giddy on top of four Xes :-)

Happy New Year!

Mara said...

Well Jeff, people from all over the world are seeing you up on that dizzying height!

And you're right, I get some strange looks occasionally when I have to take a photo of something, knowing it will come in handy for my blog.

Happy 2010 from the Netherlands (see Jeff, the Netherlands!)

MedaM said...

I can see four “X” in this photo and on top of them your friend Jeff is standing. Hi, Jeff! :-)
Great photo and very creative!
I wish you a very Happy New Year, my friend! :-)

Andy said...

Excellent choice for the difficult X.

Maria said...

And you didn´t find one X but a triple-X. Thanks for the visit and happy new years to you.

Kate said...

Tell Jeff "hello" from all of us! Observant and clever of you!!

Rose said...

Great shot! Tell Jeff he is almost famous:) I think the last time we did "X" I took a photo of an X in the sky made by jet trails--I must have taken that photo two months before the post. You have to take advantage of any opportunity when you see an X!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

for sure this X marks the spot and fits the letter X. a very hard letter to find. great shot.

jay said...

Hi Jeff! *Waves*


It is indeed a good X post - well spotted!

Tumblewords: said...

Terrific capture! You've got a 'good eye'.

Bradley Hsi said...

Very smart choice and a very nice picture too.

Sistertex said...

Oh....fantastic! Several Xs stacked.

Nice one!

lv2scpbk said...

It's amazing what we can come up with when we put our minds to it. An excellent "X".

magiceye said...

lovely take on the theme

dianasfaria.com said...

lucky you! I found X to be quite the challenge-yours is perfect!

Hilary said...

Clever you and silly Jeff for doubting you! Hi, Jeff. We see you in Canada too! ;)

Dragonstar said...

Perfect! That's so good - all those Xs.
All the best for 2010.