Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Yesterday was an Unusual and Unique day in the Sacramento Valley.
We had snow! It just doesn't happen here. I think that Mother Nature had the Urge to produce something Utterly special for ABC Wednesday since the letter of the day is " U ".

Umber and grey were the colors of the morning.

A few years ago, while working in New York, we rode by the United Nations building. We were Unable to visit it. The U.N. wasn't in session. You can tell because there are no flags on the flagpoles.

This crane is Up way too high for me. It would give me an Upset tummy to be walking on the beam as the man is doing on the far left of the crane. To see him more clearly just click on the picture to enlarge it.
Go to Mrs. Nesbitts link on my sidebar to see what others have posted for the letter " U ".
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Mara said...

I've got a cousin who is a crane operator! I do not envy him. I would need a lot of buckets every day...

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

And it's come here to NM! Wind, rain and snow and ice! Blew out a receiver at the top of the mountain which was the communication device for all the buses in all the public schools! School was canceled today...

Beverley Baird said...

I love how you incorporate your u's into your description! Great choices - great photos as well!

Sylvia K said...

Great post for the U day! Love your photos! And it seems that snow is not being as picky as usual as to where it will or won't fall!

Enjoy your day!


MedaM said...

Beautiful post for letter "U". Unusual weather, beautiful photos as usual!

Tania said...

Beautiful shot and post for U! If you want some real snow you can come to Norway;-)

Mrs. Me said...


mrsnesbitt said...

Wow! Love this intrique entry!

Tumblewords: said...

Great U's. I'll bet the snow was a surprise. There is none here at the moment but the temp is around zero - may be too cold to snow! The crane walker makes me a little woozy.

Amy said...

Enjoyed your "u's" - it's amazing, isn't it that it snowed where you are and 100 miles plus up the road in our neck of the woods we have yet to see any snow let alone rain. Great photos as usual!

Unknown said...

Oh, I love your snow : ) Were the children in California so delighted? : ) Shoshi, our little neighbor is from Bangledesh, he had never experienced snow and he was DELIGHED to play in it : )

I have an upset tummy just thinking about walking way up there!

Martha said...

Great "U" post!

My ABC Wed

Sistertex said...

Cranes are way UP and my grandson is crazy about them, he's two and a half and thinks they are the coolest thing ever.

Great post, quite the variety of U's. Very nice.

Hildred said...

I am waiting patiently for a lovely large fall of snow...great choices for U and really like your photos.

Olivier said...

Il est toujours aussi beau le bâtiment des nations-unies, avec toutes ces fenêtres, j'adore.
It is always so beautiful building of the UN, with all these windows, I love.

Anonymous said...

wonderful post. even snow is beautiful.

??? said...

That is not something I would expect in California. It seems it snows everywhere this year but in Hamburg...

Louis la Vache said...

We had snow on the hills around the Bay Area Monday.
As you know, that is most unusual.

Rose said...

Great U's! I would have had more than an upset stomach up on that crane--they would have had to drug me to get me up there in the first place:)

I'm amazed at your snowfall! I've seen photos of snow on so many southern blogs this week, but here in the Midwest we are just getting our first snowfall today. Really makes you wonder about climate change...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

UN-beleivable Post, U are ULTRA good at photography. i really like the shot of the tall building.

Carolyn Ford said...

Wow! Great "U's" for this week. And, snow! How beautiful and UNUSUAL is that!

Roger Owen Green said...

Hey, I did the UN!

Snow is hardly unique in Albany, NY. All the schools were closed today; that WAS unusual, as there's usually one superintendent who will hold out.

Hilary said...

Wonderful as always, Sue. I would hate to be dangling Upside down from that last one. ;)

jay said...

I have a friend in Grass Valley who has snow, too! Very pretty, but cooooold!!

I love the crane picture!

Carol said...

Wonderful post for U day! Nice shot of the UN bldg. And I love the shot of the man on the beam...glad its not me though. The snow looks very pretty...we only got rain.

Merisi said...

I hope you have recovered from the white surprise!

My daughter landed in L.A. instead of San Diego on Monday. ;-)

Reader Wil said...

Wow! You have snow already! Thanks for sharing your photos! And for visiting and your kind comment!