Friday, August 21, 2009


Sunrise on the Masai Mara.
The silence was almost deffening and the miles and miles of "nothing" were breathtaking.
As always, enlarging the picture will give you more detail.
Have a great weekend everybody.
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Beverly said...

Beautiful, Sue. It is vast, isn't it.

Anonymous said...

Great sky and that land seems to go on forever.

Jack said...

Great to see sunrise..nice one dude...keep going....

Are you scared to be alone at home need security

Anonymous said...

Excellent sunrise photo. Colors are stunning.

I have the issue of "breast feeding" on my main blog today Pick a Peck of Pixels

kc bob said...

So glad that you brought your camera Sue.. the pics on the last posts are great!

Hilary said...

How could you not just breathe deeply.. and sigh!

AVCr8teur said...

Nice sunrise. There is a lot of land. Is nothing being grown on it?

Leena said...

I can feel a moment, it`s silence and beauty.

jel said...


Shammickite said...

Isn't the view amazing.... miles and miles of low scrub bush with just the occsional tree on the hoeizon. Stunning sky.

MedaM said...

Wonderful sunrise photo; beautiful light and colors!

Lunachance said...

Beautiful. It makes me want to go to Africa sooner that next spring... I am happy you had your camera with you so we all could enjoy your morning :)


Deb said...

What a beautiful sunrise Sue! I have been such a delinquent blogger this summer....what fun to scrool down and see more pictures from your trip too! I am sure it was amazing!

Thanks for the adoption referral well wishes! You are so right that God had Sophie's Mei Mei planned long ago....I have to say that is what truly got us through this long wait....I should say that was the ONLY thing that got us through....knowing that HE had it all planned out and we just needed patience! Now I am just waking each morning wondering if this is "THE" day that we get the call!

Hope you have a great week!