Tuesday, July 07, 2009


We are so close to the end of the alphabet now. Wednesday's letter is " Y ".
I title this shot...Young photographer...
Our granddaughter is full of Youthful enthusiasm and has turned into quite the photographer.
I Yield to her great eye and raw talent.
Check out Mrs. Nesbitts link on my sidebar to see what others are posting for the letter " Y ".
Yes...please Enlarge this picture to see Youth in action.
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mrsnesbitt said...

Yes! lol!

Prospero said...

Great choice for the letter Y. An inspiring idea.

Rune Eide said...

As a hobby photographer I absolutely wish I was Young again...

Miss_Yves said...

Young and talented, I'm sure ! The rocky landscape is stunning !

Granny Smith said...

It won't be many years before she is contributing her photos to ABC Wednesday!

Olivier said...

Bonne photo, j'aime bien la position de la jeune photographe
Good photograph, I like well position of young photographer

Reader Wil said...

Great choice for Y! Did you do all the letters of ABC?

foto CHIP Sweden said...

Grat choice and very creative - love it :)

Anonymous said...

Y. I can think of a few things besides Yellow. Yank. Yonkers. Yipee!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh following in grandmas footsteps. Thats wonderful. I keep thinking I'd like to join this ABC group. Now that you are almost back to A, I'll REALLY have to keep it in mind.

Gerald (SK14) said...

great stuff

jay - said...

Kids do love cameras, don't they? And I think it helps them to develop their awareness of the world, as well as their artistic senses.

Great 'Y'!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Who was it that said that youth is wasted on the youth??? W.C. Fields? Or G.B. Shaw?
Anyway, that sure looks like it was taken at Lake Mono and those are the tufas...

Janie said...

How nice to have a young(er) photographic enthusiast in the family. Nice Y post!

AVCr8teur said...

Your granddaughter looks like an aspiring photographer! Is that Mono Lake?

Carol said...

I love this shot, I did enlarge it and she looks pretty serious. I like her facing a different direction. It's a great shot for Y.

Bradley Hsi said...

Well, I can see how serious she is to photography. She is certainly have different view point, pointing her camera at different direction of her older counterparts.

Irene said...

This is a nice shot of the rocky landscape and the human subjects

Hildred said...

Nice shot - when I first caught site of your photo I thought 'Yosemite' but Young is just great and what a wonderful hobby they have ahead of them

Tumblewords: said...

Gorgeous landscape - youthful enthusiasm is a wonderful thing to see! Good eYe.

AphotoAday said...

Hey Ph. Sue, I can only guess where she got the red hair from...

Roger Owen Green said...

Yes, indeed - thanks for the future.

Karyn said...

photography is a great way for young people to explore their artistic side!

Where is this? the rock formations are interesting.

Marie Reed said...

What interesting rocky formations! I did enlarge it to take a closer look. I just can't take my eyes off of those rocks! Happy ABC Wednesday!

Reader Wil said...

How great that you did all the letters! I didn't for I was often away on holiday and couldn't schedule anything. But this meme opened my eyes like yours for a lot of new words and situations. And, what's more, I met a lot of people all over the world.

Phoenix said...

What a wonderful hobby for her to enjoy! Thank you for visiting my site! :)

magiceye said...

wonderful capture!

CG said...

Look at that professional stance! good for her!

Ruth said...

Wow, that's quite a camera for such a young lady. I think with the digital age we will see many young photographers explode onto the scene.

Rose said...

I see we have similar thoughts today--isn't it special to share a common interest with a grandchild? Great photo!

Q said...

Seeing youth at work is inspiring!

Beverley Baird said...

Great photo and use of "y".

Thanks for stopping by!
Take care.

Unknown said...

She is adorable : ) I love it. I love when kids start young. I am going to give Kaish my camera when I get a new one. He loves taking pictures. He can be my back up shooter : )

Hilary said...

A great choice. She takes after her grandmother. :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Oh to be young again, but always in spirit.

JAM said...

Hey, a girl after my own heart; I'm left-eyed too!

That's one of the main reasons I chose Nikon over Canon when I went digital/autofocus. Canon's modern cameras have a big wheel on the back for control of some things that, as a left-eyed person, would have me rubbing my nose to move that wheel.

Glad she likes it, I love seeing kids with a camera around their necks.

Leena said...

A best choice for Y, I think!
And a landscape of the photo is very interesting.
Is your granddaughter publishing her photos - perhaps Aminus3. could be for her ! She could watch this photoblog of Eleftheria:

Merisi said...

Yes, I can see a bright future for her! :-)

Joy said...

To see things with a fresh eye - Great portrait of concentration.

Vicki ~ FL said...

I'm not so sure I'd want to be young again ;~) Great shots though.

Jama said...

She has inherited your talent in photography!

Mara said...

I think I love the photo the most because the subject is photographers. Really nice

Shammickite said...

Interesting rock formations. Where are they?

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

:) she looks so cool with the camera...i am sure she's talented....she's got a father and grandma who excel at the craft :)

Laurie said...

Love it. She looks quite comfortable with a camera in hand.