ABC Wednesday is here again. Today's letter is " V ".
We have a Vintage poster which asks people to Volunteer for Victory.
This poster is from the early 1940's and in very good condition.
To view this enlarged just click on the picture. Its very easy.
For others posting ABC Wednesday and the letter " V " ,go to Mrs. Nesbitts link on my sidebar.
We have a war theme weekend coming here at a local railway station! Must find it on my blog from a couple of years ago!
That's a very cool vintage visage with valor and values! Great V!
They could make powerful (you might say even better) posters at that time too.
Nice looking poster. It was one of these posters that got my wife's aunt to become a nurse during the war.
belle trouvaille cette affiche, bravo et puis cela fait un bon choix pour la lettre 'V'
nice find this poster, bravo and then it whole good choice for the letter 'V '
A most stiking poster and an excellent choice for the letter V :)
V for victory too which is what this reminds me of going back to Mrs Nesbitt's theme. What a great find.
What a beautiful vintage poster....probably has more value now....
Incredible the condition of the poster still in, almost like new after sixty years.
that is a good entry!
It's look good for a vintage poster!
Vintage poster & wise collection:)
Thanks for the visit.
That's a lot of good Vs!
Hooray! You picked my favorite word!
I love old posters! This is great! I love the colour scheme too, not too bright, but definitely red, white and blue. :)
Oh, I love this! So cool! What a great flyer! Always love your ideas!
That's a great "V" and a good sign.
I chose volunteer this week, too, but I didn't have a cool vintage poster like this one:) We could use this surge of volunteerism in today's troubled times again. Thanks for sharing!
Very cool poster...
Lots of "v"!
An historic poster, in fact, Very pleasant looking!
A great "V" and very appropriate as Wednesday is my day for volunteering!
I like those signs, I wish I could get a real one. They are so much better than the posters of today.
What a GREAT idea! Fabulous poster! :D
Love old posters. They don't make them like that any more, almost makes you want to sign up:-)
Excellent! It just occurred to me that I have a childhood friend who retired in Rocklin.
good choice for V!
Cool vintage sign
It looks like it's still in great shape and a collector's item.
i love vintage posters....they have a charm like none other.......this one's in a great if my apartment walls had enough space.....I am forever buying posters but have no place to put them up!!!!!
Great choice for the many messages enbedded in it: volunteer, contribute to the Red Cross, a worthy establishment.
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