Thursday, March 12, 2009


After the hard rains of this last week a fungus appeared in our yard. It is about 4 inches across.
This afternoon I watched the cat next door stalking it and finally attacking it. Crazy kitty.
Enlarging the picture will show you the detail.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
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AphotoAday said...

Are you sure that isn't a UFO?
I've seen pictures and that's pretty much what they look like...

((( hey and by the way, Photowannasue, I experienced the same problems (twice) you were having on Blogger... It looked like problems with the server that hosts my photos, but no -- it was Blogger -- and the best thing to do is probably what you did-- just turn the machine off for a while...

I'm on a MacPro and I bet you're on a Windows machine, so it doesn't have anything to do with platforms... Oh, that darn "B"logger -- they "b"oil my "b"lood...

Olivier said...

belle macro, maintenant une petite omelette aux champignons ;o)
nice macro, supporting a small omelette in mushrooms ;o)

AnaGF said...

It is amazing how fast they grow and suddenly appear as if from nowhere!

Anonymous said...

I am here wondering your rains, is your place in sunny, rainless California :) ??

This fungus seem to be eatable one, so, Olivier`s suggestion is very good!

Funny cat, indeed!

Have a sunny, happy weekend, Sue!

Linda G. said...

Fungi do tend to suddenly spring up looking like strange alien wonder the kitty attacked it:)

Anonymous said...

You must have so long dead tree roots under where it popped up. They are neat, I think.

kRiZcPEc said...

the cat attacked the fungus? it looked anything but rat to me, so why was that? the cat gone mad?

Kekiinani said...

HA!! That is just too funny. Nice shot though.. :) :) Will get in touch with you since I am heading to the mainland next week. Aloha, Renee :)

Robert Hill said...

Nice shot..

AVCr8teur said...

That is a huge shroom! I only see itty bitty ones in my yard.

Anonymous said...

Perfect title. Just what the cat was thinking when it attacked!

Dave said...

Fungi are interesting 'plants'. We have been getting edible mushrooms off our lawns recently. We eat them. I don't suppose that you could safely eat this one? - Dave

Shammickite said...

Amazing creations aren't they? And they seem to pop up overnight! Have you found out what kind it is? There are lots of internet sites where you can ID mushrooms and toadstools.

Anonymous said...

This is a cute picture..and I know what you mean about crazy kitties...mine will chase a leaf blowing across the lawn.

Rinkly Rimes said...

The cat probably thought it was from outer space!

Kate said...

And is kitty still alive and well?