Sunday, August 10, 2008


I discovered this rare breed on a walk the other day. It was hiding among the leaves and I feel fortunate to have captured a picture of it.
To get a real closeup ...just click on the picture.
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kc bob said...

Holy Petrification Batman!

Anonymous said...

Now yopu have to look at my today`s post :

Quite funny coincidence :)

Have a nice week, Sue!

Beverly said...

That's quite a photo. What is the shiny thing in the knot? It looks like it could be a beetle.

CG said...

LOL that's excellent. Is it a woodpecker??

Coy Hill said...

Incredible! It resembles teh herons that I have been shooting lately! BTW awesome shot of the Arizona desert, the bird's eye view is spectacular!

Ann said...

Cool shot, looks almost prehistoric excellent.

Olivier said...

superbe, on dirait un petit alligator, la nature est une belle artiste.

superb, it looks like a small alligator, nature is a great artist

Merisi said...

A Treegator!
Looks quite ferocious, wonder what Darwin would tells us about the reasons for those interesting teeth!

Outhouse Capital of Canada said...

watch out for those things, they can bite your legs on walks.

MedaM said...

This reminds me of a big bird with a long neck and a long beak. Really, very interesting photo!

Jules said...

Yikes - it has camouflaged itself very well it looks just like a tree branch- sneaky little devil hey?? Be careful they go for the jugular if disturbed - easy does it!!!!

Unknown said...

Seems to me that is tree-swamp monster has finally be capture on film (well, digital film)

Anonymous said...

You just never know when you might stumble on to a new breed. (cute)

Willow said...


Is its bite poisonous?

CaBaCuRl said...

Yep, looks to be a particularly rare breed methinks.
I love your C post from last Wednesday...I didn't make ABC WEd. last week, but amazingly I was going to post a picture of a real live croc, sunning itself , in Kakadu NP! Very scary things, even dead!!

Wanda said...

Oh what a find!!!

Once we took a picture of a log in a river that looked just like an allegator.

I love it when nature plays tricks on us.

Anonymous said...

magnifique! un vrai animal

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure its some sort of a prehistoric bird... or fish.. or.. allicarppecker.

Great find Sue :)

Dave said...

An interesting photo. - Dave

Kerri Farley said...

WOW! What an interesting shot!! Well done!!

Shammickite said...

Don't get too close.... those things can give you a nasty bite and leave you full of splinters!

Shammickite said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

That's a cool and fun shot!

Texas Travelers said...

Looks like a cuttlefish out of water.
Great photo.
Google "Cuttlefish" images.

Love it.


John Roberts said...

I would hate to run into this beast in the dark!

tsduff said...

Looks like it could deliver a nasty bite... :)

AVCr8teur said...

How funny! I think you've discovered a new species.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

a fossilized giant garden lizard???

Darlene said...

Great shot, you can sense it walking behind you. Dar