Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Welcome to ABC Wednesday. Today is the letter E. When I saw this engine popping out of the hood of the car I knew I had found the perfect E. " E " for Emerging Edelbrock Engine.
Be sure to check out Mrs. Nesbitts link on my sidebar to see others participating in ABC Wednesday.
Enlarge the photo to see all the interesting detail.
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Anonymous said...

Wow..that's a sleek one! Very interesting!

My E picture is now posted, too! You can check it out HERE if you have the time. Thanks!

Leslie: said...

must be brand new it's so clean!

Granny Smith said...

Indeed the perfect "E"! It's also a technically brilliant photograph, I I found out when I enlarged it. What miraculous camera did you use?

Unknown said...

Fun E photo and a cool one too. You always find the most interesting shots.

Kim from Hiraeth said...

Great idea for 'e'

It does look great enlarged!

Deb said...

Wow...that is quite the engine! Must be brand new...

Kate said...

That's an amazingly clean engine. Well-photographed!!

TRM said...

I can feel it rumble.

Maria Verivaki said...

that's a pretty incredible one - i would've thought it was a space ship!

Olivier said...

on entend vrombir le moteur, superbe
they intend to roar the motor, the haughtiness

magiceye said...

wow! great capture!

Check out my Engine here

Ivar Østtun said...

Thank you for your comment. You've got a very nice and interesting blog. I like it and I'll be back :-)

Michele said...

Egads! That's quite the engine!! Awesome!

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hello Phowa,
What an intersting machine, than remimber that in "the old days" all work was done by hand. Good that this ENGINE exsist's.

Happy ABC
Greetings JoAnn-D-Eyes

Gemma Wiseman said...

Incredible to see such a shiny clean engine! Almost a work of art!

Rune Eide said...

That must be the cleanest engine I have ever seen!

CG said...

That's very powerful looking, good "E"

MedaM said...

Great photo and interesting idea for “e”! It really looks great enlarged. It is amazing how clean the engine is. It must be new one.

Jane Hards Photography said...

New to me and eductaional.

Bear Naked said...

Another wonderful photo you have presented for ABC Wednesday.
Great choice by the way.

Bear((( )))

AphotoAday said...

That's quite an emerging engine...   I would drool over stuff like that when I was a kid...

Anonymous said...

That's one great looking engine. My husband would be making a fuss over it for sure :0)

Anonymous said...

Cool shot. I guess the engine was too big to fit under the hood so they had to cut a hole in it. ;)

MumbaiiteAnu said...

That's a brand new engine. Awesome idea for 'E'.
My 'E' here

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever seen such a clean and shiny engine!

My partner Lissa and I have a little something for you over at our photoblog...come see!


Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

wow how amazingly clean!

me ann my camera said...

The first thing I noticed about it was its two eyes! Definitely this is an interesting E!

The Mulligan Family said...

Gosh! That's a big engine, and an Edelbrock at that. Perfect posting for "E". Thanks for visiting my site! Cheers!

D Herrod said...

I like how it kind of resembles a face.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! I would not have even known what that shiny thing was :)! I need to spend more time "looking" at things!
perfect E

Lynette said...

My gosh, I'd love to hear and feel this thing running! What a great photo!

Ash said...

Emerging Edelbrock Engine...??

Now thats E-laborate :-)

AVCr8teur said...

That looks impressive and probably loud if it was running.

Outhouse Capital of Canada said...

Imagine driving along with that sticking up in front of you, lots of chrome and shiny paintwork there

mrsnesbitt said...

WOW! What an Enlightened Entertaining Exact E picture.

This creativity and inginuity always is an inspiration every Wednesday. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen such a bright shiny engine. I guess if you're going to show off your engine you want to show it off clean though.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

how did you get a photo of my car?? :)

Anonymous said...

My goodness...that is a BIG hood popping engine. Amazes me how they can afford them. I have trouble paying to keep my little one running.

Bill said...

I think the basic concept here is that if you move fast enough, the cost of fuel does not matter since you only run it for a short amount of time :)

Dragonstar said...

Good heavens! What sort of Engine is that? Incredible and brilliant shot!

Thanks for your visit and your very kind words.

Unknown said...

emerging edelbreck engine? that is awesome. I think you must have been the best e of the day! did you win? does anyone really win.

JAM said...

I love this.

Modern cars can have a supercharger on the engine that is a different technology and fits under the hood. But as a kid, all serious hot rods had this type of supercharger called a "blower." To me, they just flat-out look cool.