Thursday, April 17, 2008

BEE PREPARED for spring

New flowers in bloom and bees buzzing are sure signs of Spring.
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Anonymous said...

that's the point of spring. wonderful capture

Merisi said...

Beeautiful! :-)

Merisi said...

Re your lilly closeup, here is a link to some of Georgia OKeeffe's paintings, who was fond of painting the insides of flowers.

Kerri Farley said...

OH I love your title! FAbulous Bee and Flower shot!!

Kate said...

I am definitely ready for spring!!

Come visit my blog to see my 500th post!

Shammickite said...

We are getting definite Signs of Spring here in S Ontario. Just a few snowy bits left in the deep forested areas now, otherwise it's all sunshine and blue sky!

MedaM said...

That is beautiful photo; it is even more beautiful when it is enlarged.

Mrs. Me said...

I love the color. We have a hill nearby with lots of purple flowers blooming and its looks beautiful.

b13 said...

Great shot. You can count the hairs on that little buggers back!

Anonymous said...

beautiful macro!

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

and such pretty signs too :)

Jules said...

What beautiful colours.

My flowers are covered in ash at the moment. The volcano has been playing up and we have had a bad week!!!!

Anonymous said...

Very nice! I don't recognize this flower.

Unknown said...

Our bees are getting quite active now that it's warming up here in Seguin. We just got our second hive going this week. Or, I should say, Mark got it going. I'll post a shot soon. Have a great weekend, Sue.

AVCr8teur said...

Busy as a bee as the saying goes.

Susan said...

How wonderful. Here we had a few flakes of snow today. Hey we arent supposed to be like the rest of Canada! We are usually much warmer than this. I wonder if our bees are feeling hive bound yet?

AphotoAday said...

Great shot Photowannabe-Sue...
And that's one wildflower that I know the name of (just found out last week) it's Lavender, right?

Steve Buser said...

Wow, you can even see the bee's antenae. Gorgeous shot.

CG said...

Such pretty lavender...can almost smell it!

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful!


J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I've seen a lot around here, too. :)

Carole said...

Beautiful colours and image