The days continue to be grey and damp. Even my bouquet of Daffodills lost their perk and color.
Thank you so much for all the Anniversary wishes. We had a nice day and plan on going way for a few days later in the month.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Take a look at the detail of the flower when its enlarged.
This is beautiful when enlarged. It makes me think of looking at flowers under the microscope, at all the intriguing detail that one never sees unless taking the time to do so..
daffodils are still a long way off here..... nice to get a little glimpse of what's to come, though. :)
Beautiful. I am ready for spring to get here.
Wow.... Great detail!
I am SOOOOOO Ready for Spring!
That is quite a super photo.
Visit me and see the Unusual!!
Grey and damp here too - lovely detail in your pic.
We have about two solid months of ups and downs before it could be spring here and then not to plant until the middle or end of May. A reminder that seed catalogs and nursery catalogs are available.
Very interesting. I would have never considered a dying leaf to be this lovely - especially in the enlarged photo. Thanks for sharing!
I planted about 50 assorted daffodil bulbs 2 falls ago.... last spring they all came up, it was wonderful! Last fall I planted more... I'm so looking forward to spring!
Great detail in your picture, lovely.
Great capture! :)
Hi Sue, it's time to beat the earth and call for Spring, I think. I'm going to dig in my garden a little bit today in preparation.
The lovely papery look of the dead bloom is beautiful, almost as exciting as the full yellow it once showed.
Hi, back home and posting again, no flowers here yet for a few months, but have pics of flowers in the desert to post.
Great shot, Ph. Sue...
I've been noticing some signs in the wilds that the wildflowers are not completely gone and will be out in full force shortly.
Yes, gorgeous. I just love the delicate veins of petals, leaves and whatever this is!
I love the detail of this tiny fraction of the plant. I've always liked to notice such details.
Sue, what a pretty picture and what details..........what is it that they say about...God being in details :)
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