Sunday, February 10, 2008


The cattails in my backyard are literally exploding their seed fluff into the air constantly. There are tufts and puffs of this feathery material on everything.
Be sure to enlarge the picture to see the seed more clearly.
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Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

so fluffy and so unique...........and they look so much like a cat's tail !!!!

Outhouse Capital of Canada said...

We have cottonwood trees that shed lots of seeds


amazing shot! Greetings again from TDP!

Anonymous said...

what a shot!!!! well done

Anonymous said...

Nice shot and right on time.

Olivier said...

photo prise au bon moment, bravo, elle est assez impressionnante

Photo taken at the right time, bravo, it is quite impressive

Dan said...

wow, this is amazing. Great pic

AphotoAday said...

Great almost explosive shot. Reminds me of the explosion of cat-hair I have around this place I call Kittyland...

bluemountainmama said...

love it! we had cattails growing all along the edges of the pond on our farm growing up. we used to like playing with the fluff....

and did you know that just about every part of cattails is edible?

Annie said...

Aaaaaah-choo. That was an outstanding catch, Sue. However did you snap at exactly the right time?

CG said...

WOW that's something. What a fascinating plant and a great pic :)

Shammickite said...

Awesome detail in today's picture. Well captured. Lots of those cattails thriving in the swampy areas beside the roads. In UK we used to call them bullrushes.

Unknown said...

WOW!!! Sue, that's a fantasticc shot you have captured! Very cool.

Mrs. Me said...

This photo makes me want to sneeze!
Great shot!

Beverly said...

That shot is amazing!

tsduff said...

When I was a kid, we used to break up the cattails into a big giant pile of fluff... and wait for the school bus to run over them at the bus stop. The fluff would whirl around out the back window for miles. Great photo.

MedaM said...

Wow…. that really is interesting and very explosive photo! :-)) Really well done and captured right on time.

imac said...

Snap. lol. Ive posted one too, but mine didnt burst I had to make mine go pop.
Great capture, bet you proud of that one.

Dirty Duck Canal walk continues.

Lilli & Nevada said...

That is a fantastic shot, really does look better in larger form so detailed.

dot said...

Wow, that is a neat picture!!

Lara said...

what a nice catch!

Jilly said...

Wow, that's a fabulous photograph! Well done.

lv2scpbk said...

Nice shot. Looks like a pillow fight.

Anonymous said...

That's crazy!!

Sidney said...

Wow! It is worth to look at this image in a bigger size. Amazing !

Larry D said...

very nice, you can almost feel the cattail.

Anonymous said...

Now that is one of the coolest shots I have ever seen! Amazing!

Blue Wave 707 said...

Great timing!

Ratzfatz said...

It looks fantastic!!! Great foto ...