During a trade show in New York a few years ago I had a chance to wander around the City. I was fascinated by the tremendous variety of architecture on every corner. Many times the backsides of the buildings were more interesting to me than the slick facades on the busy streets. This round tower gave me the feeling of West Side Story. I almost expected to see the Jets break out in song and dance, or maybe Maria singing on that balcony.
To get a closer view remember to click on the picture.
c'est ce qui le fait le charme de NYC, c'est que l'on découvre une nouvelle architecture a chaque coin de rue. Alors bientôt un château ? pourquoi pas ;o)
These are what is the charm of NYC is that we discover a new architecture every street corner. So soon a castle? Why not ;o)
very interesting building
It is interesting the tower roof is covered. I guess a new roof is beyond the means of the castle keeper. Nice shot.
An unkempt castle. Perfect West Side story back drop. Interesting stuff.
--steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo
It looks quite old.
that is unique. i've never been to new york city, but i'd like to someday. hope you're having a good week.....
When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way, from your first cigarette to your last dying day.... Yep, it's the perfect setting for a rumble!
BTW no baby yet!
Hi there! Interesting! Hard to believe this building is in the heart of NYC.
We'll be visiting this week-end, so we should make a detour to see this castle.
Have a great day.
I haven't been to NY, but I know the feeling from many other places. Lately I have started to "play tourist" in my own home town in the same way I do when visiting large cities like Paris or Barcelona - look for the little details. They are there if you look for them.
Thank you for nice comments!
This "castle" is so interesting! I can't help speculating on the original use..a converted silo maybe?
that's quite the photo. You find the most unusual building to photograph.
Astonishing architecture!
Cool looking building. I love the look of it.
Nice mix of interesting architecture.
Cities like NY have thousands of great places like this, not all on the tourist trail. Great shot.
That's unusual to have a covering over the roof. I've only seen that during the winter when people try to keep the heating costs down.
This is charming.
your picture encapsulates so much that i love about New York. i can't wait to go back. You are so right about the backs of buildings often being more exciting than the fronts (a bit like some people? LOL)
Well, I can't say that I recognize the building but ... I just met a girl named Maria ... and suddenly that naaaaame will never be the saaaaame to meeeeee.
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Blather From Brooklyn
Nice picture. Last time I was in NY last summer we saw an old water tower which looked similar. I'll have to dig up that picture. You never know what you shall find in NY.
Fascinating. Never been to New York but from everything I've seen and read, it looks like an architecture-lover's heaven, (as well a lot of other lovers'.)
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