Don't know where it came from but the flu seems to have hit me.
Think I will be off line for a few days. Of course there are plenty of plans for this weekend, including baby and dog sitting and going to a going away party for some friends. Somehow we will all muddle through.
Have a great weekend and stay healthy.
j'espère que ta grippe ne sera pas trop dure et que tu vas bien vite te remettre. a bientôt et repose toi bien
I hope that your flu will not be too harsh and that you go quickly you recover. Soon and relies yourself
Get well soon {{HUGS}}
oh dear... boy, do i relate! i was just telling hubby that january slipped by in haze because of all the sickness.
hope you return to your well-self soon! rest and relax....
Sorry to hear that you may have flu, hope you recover soon and feel better.
Nice shot anyway.
Have you captured the tree People like I have
Sorry to hear you're under the weather. However, the photo is lovely. Good to know your health hasn't effected your picture-taking.
awww!!!! hope you feel better must be coz of all that wetness around!!!!! take care!!!!!
awe, sorry you couldn't outrun the bug. Is that an old rose in winter's grip? Nice.
Feel better - enjoy your dog and babysitting, and get some fun out of the weekend.
I hope to feel better soon
Get well soon, Sue.
I hope you get back to feeling "fresh as a daisy" soon!
Oh I am sorry to hear that you are sick. Feel better soon!
The photo is wonderful and it fits.
Hope you're in full bloom again in no time.
First thought...
you must feel yucky! I hope that you feel better soon!
Sending love!
Feel better soon!
I really like the photo even though it's supposed to show how cruddy you feel.
I wouldn’t like you to be feeling like this poor flower. I wish you speed recovery!Take care and stay warm!
Hope you get well soon. Liked your ABC post
Oh, I am sorry you are not feeling well! My daughter came home from school yesterday sick....she slept for about 12 hours or more and feels a lot better today. Definitely try to get some REST!!!!
And I must say....a VERY NEAT SHOT!
Ewww there's nothing worse than feeling all wrinkled and dried up and fluey! Let's hope you recover very soon.
The flu is not fun. We had my daughter Rose in the emergency room on Christmas eve due to it, and one of the guys I was backpacking with last weekend spent a day in camp digging holes. Being that sick 5 miles from the car is not fun. Hope you get better soon!
I hope you are mending by now, Sue.
I'm sorry to hear your petals have shrivelled. I hope you start budding again soon...
Oh Sue, had horrible to have the flu. I hope this is really just a short-lived virus and that you spring back to health in a jif.
I've been doing a 'catch up' read, and ooohing and awing over your photos.
Rest up, get well..we'll be here when you get back:)
Get well soon...
You don't look good in this picture! ;-)
Get better!
j'espère que tu vas mieux et que la grippe n'est plus qu'un mauvais souvenir.
I hope you go well and that the flu is more than a bad memory.
get well soon! I know you don't feel the best, but you photographic metaphor is great!
I'm sorry you're not feeling well. It seems to be traveling around the blogosphere. Others have mentioned being ill. Get better soon.
hope you are feeling better, Sue. Thinking of you here :)
Very remiss - I haven't been to see you for ages. I need to catch up. Sorry you've had the 'bug'. I have it at the moment - hence having time to sit and blog-browse inbetween snoozing.
Belated new year good wishes!
This picture is unbelievable!
When I can afford it, I want to get a larger copy for my bedroom.
Its the perfect color and style of my colors and bedings.
Loveeeeeee It!!!
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