At last I am finally on line. Our internet has been a bit tempermental.
Well, we went back to our old neighborhood to help our friends with some of their packing for their open house and coming move. Our friends house has the same chaos as ours did with things and boxes multiplying daily. I think we helped a bit and it was nice visiting with the neighbors on our cul de sac.
It was so hazy and we were working so hard that I didn't take pictures like I wanted to. So this picture is all there is to our visit.
We had the opportunity to go inside our old house. The new owner has done a fabulous job of decorating and they did some major remodeling of the basement area. It didn't look like our house at all and it was so easy to leave it, and feel good about it . We can just move on and be content with what we have. I have absolutely no regrets about moving.
We're happy and Life is so Good.
Wow, you used to live in Pacifica? It's always cold and overcast there. The picture you have of the coast is very good and you caught it like it really is. I can't remember when I was last there.
on s'imagine, ce promenant sur la grande plage. superbe panorama.
One imagines, strolling on the beach. Superb panorama.
What a lovely, feel-good post... and beautiful photo.
great view, well done
very cool pic!
glad ya had a good time and a safe trip!
take care!
well, for not getting many pictures, you captured it amazingly.... reminds me of the shores of ireland. there was always a haze like that....
so glad you are feeling settled and content... i share those sentiments, too, with our recent move.
How wonderful to be able to say "I have no regrets." That's really the way to tell that you've made the right decision, when you find yourself singing "Non, je ne regrette rien."
Blather From Brooklyn
A gorgeous image and it's good to hear you have no regrets!
I love the coast! Glad you are back online and doind well! Oh and I love that photo!
i am so glad for you Sue.......the way you said that "no regrets" was very encouraging .........yes, things are beginning to look up right now for us .....we have seen some rough times lately but am positive they won't last long :)
i love the coastline in your pic....i have always wanted to visit would have been easier, had we moved to West Coast as it was intended to be....but , NO REGRETS.......we'll do it sooner or later :)
take care and now that you have had a hard-working weekend, relax over the week :)
Glad you are happy and conteted and thats a great misty photo.
Look at that curve pushing so far away.
So glad that you were able to see the inside of your old house and that you have no regrets about leaving.
I am in 2 minds about what I want to do, this house is too big for me now my sons are out in the big world, but it's so hard to make up my mind to move!!
Beautiful! I love the ocean in any kind of weather. Loved the zipline. I think I would far rather take a pict than zip! I am with you on heights of that kind!
How fun to see your old house and like what was done!
a wonderful place to breath fresh air!
Lovely Coastline even with the haze. Glad you have no regrets for leaving your old home.. :)
Going back. That was nice.
A beautiful shot of the coastline!
Sometimes I just quit using my camera when I get busy "living" then when the day is done I wish I had more photos to remember the experience.
It is nice from you that you helped to your old neighbours with their packing. They really have good friends in you and your husband. I am glad you have seen your old home and have no regrets about it.
The view on the photo is fantastic.
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