Thanks everyone for the kind words of encouragement and well wishes. Hubby is almost back to normal and I'm still coughing and blowing. This bug is a real energy zapper so I think it will probably be Monday before I post again.
Have a great weekend.
Now I'm off to try to put some lights on our Christmas tree.
Christmas is coming ya know.....whether I am ready or not.
Lovely shot of the tree branch...with the promise that Spring will come in a few months!
Hope you feel better is a bummer to be sick and especially around the holidays!
Nice shot of a forelorn branch. It is like a lot of them here. We got snowed on all day and now rain and more snow later tonight and into tomorrow.
Take care of yourself and your family. Have a nice weekend.
Oh, I hope you are back on top form soon! Happy decorating! {HUGS}
It's no fun at all to be blowing. I wish you well, Sue.
I did as RuneE and you suggested on my blog post today. Come see if you feel like it.
I love these simple compositions.
I'm glad your Hubby is better, now you just have to kick this thing!
I have not really decorated yet either. My roof was supposed to get replaced so I wanted to wait until after the mess was over, but they haven't come yet! Tuesday next week they are supposed to come so maybe I'll be ready for Christmas. I only have the wndow candles, a wreath and a sled by the front door. The trees aren't even up yet. Maybe I will just put them up tomorrow. I'm usually all decorated the day after Thanksgiving.
You have captured winter in that pic. Just a few days to the Solstice, then spring will be here again.
take care, I am fighting a cold here too! but this nice shot you posted makes me feel better...
Sue, I hope everything's all right, here in Madrid it's pretty cold but everything's beautiful :)
Have a great day you and your husband!
I hope you're feel better soon. Nothing like a nasty cold to get one down.
Great shot of the Changing Room! I bet most american women would be hesitant to use it!
i do hope you get better in time for christmas! relax and take care of yourself!
great wintry shot!
i do hope you get better in time for christmas! relax and take care of yourself!
great wintry shot!
Ah, Ive just twigged its Christmas
what a great photo tho.
All the best and hope you shake this dreadful fluy bug away, best wishes to DH too.
Now that is a branch begging for some Christmas lights... show us the love, eh? I hope you feel much better very soon.
Hope you are feeling better soon. Take care!
We had the bug 2 weeks ago. Don't worry, it does end :)
Sorry that you're not feeling well. I went to the mall today and many were coughing or sneezing. Hope you and hubby get over this illness soon.
beautiful shape, I hope to already finished with lights
Lovely image. Glad to hear your husband is recovering. Hope you feel better soon!!
That is simple but very nice photo. I am glad your husband is feeling better. I wish for you to feeling better soon.
Take care and don't overdo. I'm sure the holiday decorations will help you feel better.
I'm a sucker for branches against the sky.
You know...there is really just something about this. I know it's just a branch, but it really appeals to me. Nice shot.
I hope you are all better soon. The creepy crud is no fun at all.
A Slice of Life
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