My Granddaughter has a wonderful playground at her school. I think she may spend more time upside down than right side up. I know I did growing up. Recess is always a fun time to play.
Click on the picture to enlarge.
I'm having so much fun looking at the world through the lens of my Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3. I will share my world of Rocklin, California and points North, South, East and West. Come and enjoy with me.
Children don't need much to be happy !
Good composition. Love the way we can see through it!
However, I would like to do what your granddaughter likes to do...
Beautiful capture
I like the composition of this photo.
Your comment about you granddaughter made me smile :-)
It is important that she is happy and healthy child.
That's a super play-gym!
All our local schools have taken down their climbing gyms, might get sued if someone's precious baby bumps their head. So ridiculous!
I love to see "patterns" like these. I'm not sure what you call it....but i LOVE to see it!
I remember we used to call something like this "monkey bars" - I guess because we all acted like monkeys playing on them. I remember hooking my legs on the top and bending backwards off of the bar....funny how these memories come back.
Neat shot...and thanks for the memories!
:) where are all the children??? back in i child i always wished for plein air classrooms, close to the playground :)
Hope the antibiotics work, Sue......and hope it's back to all healthy and happy soon!!! We do not move to WA till the beginning of Jan so I am guessing the recent floods should not affect us unless weather plays a trick again!!!
Hi Phowa,
I really can imagine that your granddaughter is MORE hanging upsidedown in this great and intersting playtoy, but YOUR photography is making ME smile, wow!!!! You did a great job, its a great captured shot, almost art, no ! IT IS ART! well done:)
Thnaks for visiting my blog, I hope you liked my dog 'for the change' I was posting almost everything form other countries , but I have made so many photo's ... I still want t cintunue the Paris streetlife, that was so fantastic, you would like that too, I continue with Paris photo's this weekend,
I hope you have a great day:)
It's amazing how children open our eyes. :-)
Ahhh, I remember these bars swing from 1 to the other.
Nice angle there and great shot too.
The story continues in my blog.
It is so important that kids are active but with the litigation madness happening a lot of councils are taking down play equipment - the world is going crazy!!!
hope your husband is well.
Thia reminds me of my triangles for ABC Wednesday. Great shot!
Nice shot! And as a playground supervisor/photographer I know good when I see it! :)
Great choice on the black and white.
That is a great photo. I love the lines. It does look rather lonely though.
B/W is a good choice for this photo.
Jungle gym - Monkey bars!
Nice composition and great B&W photo!
Are you telling me you don't go and have a swing about on those bars when no ones looking?!
love the framing here.
Oh,the memories..
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