Santa came to our house Christmas Eve. Some weren't too sure if this strange man in the funny white beard was ok or not.
All I can say is that Santa was good and the 35 of us had a wonderful time of fun, food and fellowship.
You can always enlarge the picture to see the details more clearly.
Be sure to check out Mr Mappers' post today of our Church's Christmas Eve services.
Oh but there's something irresistable about little girls in their party dresses. Geesh that's cute!
35 People!! Gosh, did you have to cook?
Miss you both, especially at this time of year.
Gotta love Santa, he made a trip to our house on Christmas eve, and was then seen driving a tractor down the road the next day, not much snow out our way--that should show up on my blog in the next couple of days.
Your Santa have had very long journey from Finland! Santa is living here, did you know:)
I got just now a comment from you :))
Thanks for the Christmas wish. Same to you and your family.
I'll be back eventually and you'll be one of the first to know ;)
Oh How Fun!!
35??? Our family is so small. I enjoy you.
I love the way we claim Santa Claus, Father Christmas, St. Nick, etc. as our very own! A child's sense of wonder is hard to beat!
tu en as de la chance que Santa claus est fait une pause chez toi, les enfants devaient ĂȘtre heureux
You have to be lucky that Santa claus is a break in your home, children should be happy
Nice to have a santa in the house..
That is so cool!
Having a white beard already, I have a certain problem when I meet Santa... ;-)
Nice shot also nice and peacful too
Pity they make it hard to play santa these days, without saying hohoho and kids not able to sit on santas knee anymore.
see my skywatch
Breaking News - now up
Your Santa really looks like an elf with his high boots and his floppy hat. Fun times even if they were a little scary at first.
Too cute! I think little kids are never to sure about Santa. Sounds like a fun one!
Whoa! 35 people! I hope Santa brought some food and drink, and left some elves to help clean up!
Wowsa! 35 people is ambitious. That is a very snappily dressed Santa :) I love the little girls in their velvet dresses :)
Wowsa! 35 people is ambitious. That is a very snappily dressed Santa :) I love the little girls in their velvet dresses :)
Happy New Year! :) I am finally back...sorry I have been M.I.A.
We used to love to put our daughters in pretty little Christmas dresses like that. Now, at 19 and 22, they wouldn't wear anything like that if you held a gun on them.
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