Sunday, November 11, 2007


Saturday our entire family participated in a walk to raise funds for children of the epidemic. Its an epidemic of world wide proportion and especially in Africa. All the money we raised goes directly to the benefit of the orphans. They will get testing, medicine, food and school tuition from the monies. I'm pleased to say that our church raised over $40,000. It was time and money well spent. Children will get a chance at life.
My Hubby and I will be out of town for the next 3 days working at a conference. We won't have any access to a computer so I will see you when we return.
If you enlarge the picture you can see some of the 800+men, women and children who walked the mile and a half course.
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Jules said...

What a great cause - well done!!!

have a successful conference and we'll "see" you when you get back!!!


Well done! Great cause!

Anonymous said...

Well done, indeed.

Have a good conference and look forward to your safe return.

John Roberts said...

HIV/AIDS doesn't get the news coverage it was getting 10-15 years ago. I think some people think it went away because the media has found other interesting stories to pursue. It's still an epidemic in most of Africa and much of Asia.

Anonymous said...

A great cause! Thanks for this image!

Lavenderlady said...

Kudos to you and your husband for taking the time top support such a good cause.

MedaM said...

Bravo, Sue! What a great cause! May God bless you and your husband and all those who participate in that human action!

Dsole said...

what a great activity!
We have to support all these things, we have to change our minds and be a little bit more concerned about this illnes which is really harmful for human being.. this is so great!

imac said...

Good cause. Glad you enjoyed the day.

Oswegan said...

Good for you, a noble cause.

I agree with john roberts above, in fact I was wondering the other day if there had been a cure and I just didn't hear about it.


Unknown said...

What a wonderful cause and have a safe trip.

Beverly said...


Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

Kudos to your family, Sue.....i hope to run one day for causes i believe in.....will wait for you to come back..have a great time at the conference.

AVCr8teur said...

Good job! Glad to see so many others supporting this cause.

Anonymous said...

800 walkers? 40K? Wow! What an amazingly wonderful thing to do.

Laurie said...

Great strides are being made but there is still a long way to go.

CG said...

What a brilliant cause...well done all!

Sidney said...

Great initiative!

bluemountainmama said...

awesome, sue! that's an issue that is very close to my heart.... that is an amazing amount of money that will do a lot of good! i love hearing that churches are stepping up and fulfilling God's commission to care for the orphans....

Linda G. said...

You are doing what all of us should be doing! Thank you for bringing hope to those children, and for reminding the rest of us how much needs to be done..

The Wellspring said...

Kudos to you and your family for time well spent for those who do not have the means to help themselves.

Hope you are enjoying your time out of town. :)


Chad Oneil Myers said...

Nice way to get the message acrossed.

Deb said...

A most-worthy cause. Great photo Sue! Hope your conference was a success.

Bill said...

Time & money invested in youth will pay great rewards!

Kate said...

Great cause, and it proves that we can help in many different ways. Hope your conference went well!