As we took our walk around the block on Saturday we went by a lovely little pond on someone's property. All of a sudden, as we stopped to look, these two geese started coming toward us, honking and making a terrible racquet. When we stepped away they stopped and when we moved forward they started honking. It made me laugh because they seemed like guard dogs or should I say guard geese. I guess when they decided my husband and I were no threat they stopped to wet their whistle. It must be hard work protecting their property.
Don't forget to click on the picture to get a closer look.
Mr. Mapper has a post about Geese today too. Be sure to take a look.
Geese are very protective of their environment. And guinea hens were often kept by farmers for that very reason. They make a lot of noise when any stranger came on the property around the house. And the male goose is big enough that they would often attack people who got out of their car or off their horse and buggy. They can flop your legs with their wings, hard enough, to really hurt.
i agree what you say... they are better than guard dogs, in any case, i like the shot and geese too ;-)
best wishes
In the UK people use flocks of geese instead of guard dogs. The noise can be tremendous!
les oies sont les meilleures chiens de garde. En Dordogne enfant, je me suis fait souvent mordre par des oies pas contente, cela fait vraiment très mal
Geese are the best watchdogs. In Dordogne child, I often bitten by geese not happy, it is horribly wrong
These are beauties! I never thought of geese as "guards" - but I bet they make good ones...I know they can make quite a lot of noise.
happy Thanksgiving
I love geese, and we had a small flock of toulouse geese,like the gray goose in you photo. They fell prey to domestic dogs that managed to get inside our fence, so we won't get more, but I miss their cheerful chatter and bright interested gaze..
yes indeed geese are very good at guarding and can be especially viscious.
I’ve just learnt something new about geese. I didn’t know they can be protective of their environment and even better than guard dogs. The photo and the geese are lovely.
Those things make me nervous. I always think they're going to come up and bite me with those dang honkers.
Geese are funny, they do make alot of noise but that's a great photo of them.
My mother remembers her grandmother's guard geese that terrorized her as a child. I guess they put up a loud racket and threaten with their nippy teeth.
I have always loved these geese. What a sound to greet the morning, eh? Yes, sign me up for an even dozen. That might make a nice flock. Nice pic, great story.
I like this one. :)
cute cute cute. as I child, one of my grandmother's geese used to chase me around. maybe this is why I really like them :).
Ah! Geese, love them. Each morning i am greeted by Jo our gander, banging his beak against the window for his morning crust! BLISS!
You are o the right track -protect
Such a cute picture!
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