Today is ABC Wednesday and the letter is R. R is for RUST. Rust can be colorful , full of design and texture. I think Rust is a great subject for photographers.
I am posting this early as My Husband , Myself and Mr. Mapper and family are going to spend the Thanksgiving holidays in Washington State. We won't be home for a few days and I probably won't be posting during that time.
To those of you in the States, Happy Thanksgiving and to all , have a wonderful weekend.
As always click on the photo to enlarge it.
Nice colors and texture. Good choice for R.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Ypu've really picked up the texture and colour well. Happy Thanksgiving :o)
Oh, that poor door had certainly seen better days - but then it would not have made it into your selection for RUST :)
Fantastic picture. I hope you don't mind but I've "borrowed" your picture. A big sheet of rust is something I've been looking for for ages to use as a texture layer in a Photoshop project I'm working on.
great composition and texture. well done. Happy Thanksgiving
Have a nice few days in Washington State, We live 15 minutes drive from the US border and Washington State and sometimes cross the border for shopping items that are cheaper across the "line"
have a good journey - just hope your old jalopy isn't the kind we used to call "rust-buckets"
Very interesting subject. It inspires me to find some rusts here.
Have an enjoyable holidays with your family :)
I would not want to spoil you dinner but just remember to enjoy the turkey.
I also like texture and rust is one of the great levelers in our lives.
What is it about old stuff that we find so interesting? The colors? The textures? Whatever it is, we both keep coming back to it don't we!
Oooooh - I do like this the colors and texture.
Have fun with your family and Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
The textures in this make it look like a painting made with a palette knife in oil. This is beautiful!
Sue, Great photo - as usual. :) Hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving.
Have a good trip to Washington. Don't eat too much turkey.
Ahh the old rusty.
Like it, like it a lot.
Am now back on line, the saga continues-----
Rustically Rustic, Rust assured it is a great photo
Rust can be very beautiful indeed, Photowannabe, as you demonstrate so ably here.
I send you wishes for happy holidays.
Somehow, in its destruction, rust is beautiful.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
I would never thought of 'rust', a great photo on a rusty texture and it actually looks very pretty with the rusty color.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Enjoy the holidays!
Great find!
Great photo in all aspects. I've enjoyed browsing through your recent posts.
Nice shot! You captured the rust texture wonderfully!
What a cool looking piece of rust!
Nice composition :)
Happy Thanksgiving and drive safely. Rust does have its personalities.
That's a door and a half even if it's not quite a full door - if you know what I mean! I agree rust is hauntingly spectacular. Great shot. Have a lot of fun and enjoy your holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
This is a truly interesting demonstartion of time's realiable work! Great shot.
Happy Thanksgiving from Vienna,
Rust is neat. I will go right there with you. I fact, I think I have taken a good 50 or 60 frames of 'rust' lately, for future posts on my photography site.
I hope you are enjoying WA. It is a wonderful, wonderful place.
Thanks, and Happy Thanksgiving!
This is fascinating.
I see lots of faces and action
I never used to like rust, mainly because it kept forming on my car, but there is a huge retaining wall made of heavy steel panels next to a canal perhaps 20 foot high. It has aged beautifully forming a lovely velvet of rust. The once industrial ugliness now makes a fuzzy backdrop for the greenery and looks lovely.
Yes, rust is nice ... ok, I would hate to see it on my car :-)
Have a nice weekend!!
Oh, I wish I read this earlier. I wonder where you are in Washington state. I hope you had a great holiday.
nice picture
It is interesting subject for photographing.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Very fine one. i like the rusty shots!
Hi, great picture, color and texture wise.
I have added you to my ABC blogroll.
PS I loved the Crape Myrtle picture.
Hi, just to let you know canal post 2 is now up.
Rust is an natural art form and you captured it Sooo well. I do hope you are enjoying your time with family and look forward to new post upon your return.
Wonderful photos. A joy to see.
I have just started taking pictures -we live in Marrakech where there is so much that is beautiful.
Count me in as another who loves rust... Can't exactly figure out what the door goes to, but I'm guessing it is a little door to a utility meter...
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving -- am glad that so many have stopped by to wish you well...
And hope you enjoyed Washington State -- that's where my parents were from, so I used to visit that beautiful corner of the country frequently...
I totally agree with you..rust is a great subject for photography.....i only wish i could find rusted objects more easily around :D
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving with the family. Hope it was not too cold in WA :)
I have to laugh at myself because I got lost in all those lovely colors searching for the "R"...then I realized it was the rust!
You should've told me you were going to be in my neck of the woods! I hope you've been enjoying your time with your family.
Rust can be absolutely fascinating. Great capture!
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