Thursday, October 04, 2007


Our local grocery store had some beautiful Mums for sale. I couldn't resist, so I bought a plant and have been enjoying its unusual varigated colors.
As always click on the photo to enlarge it and see the detail.
I just checked out Mr. Mappers' post and you have got to see his shot of the Hornworm. You must enlarge it to really see all the Eyes staring back at you.
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Olivier said...

Waouhh. les couleurs de cette fleur sont magnifiques, belle macro et bon weekend
Waouhh. the colors of this flower are splendid, beautiful macro and good weekend

Susan said...

Wonderful fall colours. I also picked up a mum almost identical to yours!

Lavenderlady said...

It is almost as if a painter picked up a yellow tipped paintbrush and gently stroked it along the petals. I would have this one in a minute at my house.

MedaM said...

This is beautiful flowers and its variegated colours. Lovely, it really is!

CG said...

What cheerful looking flowers!! I'm glad you are enjoying them!

lv2scpbk said...

They are beautiful.

Joel Reynolds said...

beautiful colours!

Kerri Farley said...

Beautiful Fall Colors! We have some mums at our local grocery store - but none with these colors. The ones I found were just orange or a kind of Maroon Red. You've inspired me to try to find some like this over the weekend.

Paula said...

Oh, Sue. These are gorgeous! The colors are perfect for fall. Can't wait until we get our front yard completely finished so we can have mums, as well. :) Enjoyed seeing your little kin by the water in one of your previous posts!

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

gorgeous is the word!!! :)

Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

These are mums? How beautiful! I thought they were some kind of daisy. Thanks for the cheerful sight!

Have a nice weekend :).

Gretchen said...

How beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I like these really bright colors! I haven't seen any like these around here, but now I'll be sure to look. Gorgeous! -t roberts

Ben Nakagawa said...

This is gorgeous image! I like the framing that you filled with this fantastic colours.

Anonymous said...

Splendid autumnal colors!

bluemountainmama said...

wow... that IS a beautiful mum! and such a sharp picture! it's a happy flower....

Sidney said...

Gorgeous colors!
Wonderful !

Barkfoot said...

I love chrysanthemum, a lovely burst of colour just in the season when you need it most. I used to look after a big old fashioned English garden, and up past the formal areas there was a patch beyond the herb garden dedicated to growing flowers for the house. In autumn this was full of so many varieties of crhysanthemum, a riot of colour when you least expected it.

Patty said...

Good morning, I should be sleeping, but I think the shot I got for the pain in my knee has me hyped up.

Beautiful flower. Thanks for your visit. Have a great week-end.

John Roberts said...

Whoa! Now that's some intense color!

Larry D said...

The colors are fantastic, nice shot.

Beverly said...

God does such a good job, doesn't He.

Cathrine said...

beautiful :)


Beautiful flowers...with rich colours!

Shammickite said...

Glorious colour! I think I'll have to head off to the store to see if I can find one exactly like that!

Kekiinani said...

What lovely cheery colors. Nice shot.. :) :)

Unknown said...

Oh wow!!! That is so beautiful, I love those vibrant colours!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

Wow! These are great! said...

wonderful vivid colours, is everything beautiful

Marie said...

Beautiful photos on your blog!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful.. colorful.

Jessica said...

Gorgeous color!

kuanyin333 said...

Wow...I'm impressed not only by your beautiful photo but by all the comments!

Ratzfatz said...

wow ... what colores!!! I love this gorgeous colores. I wish you a nice week!

Blue Wave 707 said...

Wow! Look at all those reds and yellows! Very nice!

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous colors! I'm sorry to see summer end, but these fabulous flowers remind that that there is still more beauty and wonder to come.

JAM said...

These are great! How marvelous. I've never seen any like that.

Digital Flower Pictures said...

I had this mum last year and loved it. It didn't come with a name did yours?

WichitaKsDailyPhoto said...

Beautiful yellow and orange Mums - it made me think back to the "go-go" days, when those colors were popular for clothes.