Tuesday, June 05, 2007


This post is for Abraham, and a few others that wanted to see what the new house looks like. You are looking at the front of the house, taken from across the street.
There are lots of trees and low care shrubs. I have to learn most of their names.
To enlarge just click on the picture.
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Steve said...

Wow, it looks wonderful! Congrats!

Annie said...

It already looks homey. I think it's just waiting, a little impatiently, for you to move in

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Looks like it's going to be a great place to live. Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Looks like it's going to be a very nice and cozy home. Thanks for checking out my blogs so faithfully. :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice. You must be so excited.

I remember when we first moved into our home. For the first week or so it felt like I was staying in a motel. Nothing felt like home.

Olivier said...

belle maison, elle est tres grande et superbe

beautiful house, it is very large and superb

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

very pretty...will love to see the interiors once u move in..we are a nosy bunch here on the blogsosphere, aren't we :DDDD

kuanyin333 said...

Congratulations! At last your home is here!

Roland Simmons said...

How exciting! That is a good looking home. My wife and I just started our search for a home. Some of the prices...boy o' boy!!!!

Vintage to Victorian said...

Congratulations - hope the move is a smooth one. I love the pomegranates. Have only ever seen them on the greengrocer's shelves!

Thanks for stopping by.

Kekiinani said...

Congratulations on your sale. :) :) Your new home looks awesome. Bet you can not wait till June 20th... :) :)
How exciting. The time will go quickly.. Can't wait to see the inside.. Aloha, Renee :)


Exciting stuff! Well done!

Anonymous said...

That is an impressive house. Large too. It looks like a slate or steel tile roof too.

Thanks for showing it.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Abraham Lincoln
Two robins were fighting in my backyard and I managed to capture them in the act.
Brookville Daily Photo

Paula said...

Beautiful front yard! Looks like everything is ready for you. Lovely curb appeal. Hope you enjoy the new house. Thanks for sharing.

Anna said...

What a wonderful home Sue....I am sure you will make it every bit yours! :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely!! I really like roof lines like yours. Thanks for sharing the photo.

Charley said...

Congratulations on your new home! How exciting!!!

JAM said...

A beautiful place. I love the "island" there with the tree and plants. It'll be yours before you know it.

Beverly said...

Oh, I like it!

Pat said...

Ohhh, what a lovely house.

So, what about all the renovating you did that you took photos of before? Was that just to get ready to sell?

I'm so happy to see your new home.

Coy Hill said...

Lovely house! Soon you will make it a home. Congratulations!!!

LSqrd said...

congratulations, and good luck w/ the move!

AnaGF said...

It looks huge! And what a beautiful garden! Congratulations!

Lavenderlady said...

Beautiful new home! Congratualtions! Counting the days!

Susan said...

It looks very homey and inviting. Whens the house warming party?

Ratzfatz said...

wowowow ... what a house!!! great, big nice!!! CONGRATS de ME!!! *willhavetoo* ...hahahaha I am happy for yours!