Sunday, May 20, 2007


Does anyone know what this tree is? I took a shot of this blooming tree which was among the fruit trees in our new home's back yard. I am wondering if those are flower buds or new fruit behind the flower. Every blossom was the same way.
Abraham Lincoln...I'll bet you know...
Its going to be a very steep learning curve to take care of the new yard.
Any pointers will be gladly accepted.

To see the detail please click on the picture.
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Annie said...

Sue, I wish I could help out but I just don't know. I'll come back in hopes that Abraham has identified this flower/tree.

Lucy said...

Hi Sue,
I'm glad to hear things are moving along with the new home. You'll be in Sac soon, right? How exciting!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sue, you have all kinds of good news since I've been gone. A new home!! And a name thats easier to type than Photowannabe :)

What fun getting to know the plants in your yard. I don't have a name for that one either.

I've missed you. HUG!

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

I really don't know Sue, tho' i myself will like to know....its a brilliant colored flower....shall come back to check if someone answered the query.

The Outback Shack said...

Hi again. I know what it is!
It is a pommegranate tree. I had a couple growing at my previous house. English people make lots of different recipes with it. It is like passionfruit - full of seeds. Just double checking - Does the plant have thorns?

Anonymous said...

Wow, if it's a pomegranate, lucky you again! Very healthy juice. :) Maybe you should get a juicer (if you don't already have one) for all that fruit!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what it is, but it's beautiful!

Beverly said...

I'd like to know too. It's a beautiful flower, and if it is a pomegranate, you are lucky! My grandparents had one, but it's so long ago that I don't remember what the tree looked like, I just remember the fruit was awesome.

Anonymous said...

Pamegranate trees and almond trees...what else have you got? This is so exciting! LOL

Anna said...

Sue, I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that I have NO idea what that is! :)

JAM said...

I don't know either. I'm pretty ignorant of such things. Love the blossom though. Nice shot.

Outhouse Capital of Canada said...

I think it may be Quince, the buds and leaves look like apple and quince is related to apple but apple is a pinky white flower.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I have no idea, but it's beautiful!

Shammickite said...

I have no idea, but if it's a pomegranate, you're going to enjoy the fruit. You break it open and eat the seeds with a pin!

yournotalone said...

Its not Quince, I think:)...fro sure......may be:)

JaamZIN said...

i have no I was searching among the comment Abraham Lincoln's answer..but he didnt answer yet:) Will be back some later!

AnaGF said...

How lucky to have so many beautiful trees in your backyard! And yes, it looks like pomegranate (romã in Portuguese), the small things behind the flower are little buds of new flowers coming. The bonatical name is Punica granatum. The fruits are beautiful, once opened, with all the fleshy seeds inside that you can eat. They look beautiful in fruit salads. You can find out more at

Anonymous said...

I am happy for you! It looks like , you have found a paradise to live, so many fruit trees in your own backyard.
In our backyard can manage only apple trees and they are here just on an extreme limit. My childhood home was about 90 km northern from here and no even apple trees there.
When have you been in Finland? Are you planning to make a new journey to Europe? If so, welcome here too!!

Icarus said...

I'm with Pequete in this one. If she says pomegranate, then that's your answer. I trust her totally on these matters!