Sunday, December 17, 2006


Some poor child has only one shoe after playing in Golden Gate Park. Is it yours?

To enlarge please click on the picture. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Great find

Roland Simmons said...

Funny!! Reminds me of a time when my son through his shoes out the car window while we were stopped at a red light! Ha Ha Ha

tr3nta said...



Olivier said...

bien vu, photo amusante a voir. Bravo

well considering, amusing photograph has to see. Cheer

Jazzy said...

poor child, haha.

Kate said...

Very good capture, and the blue is so intense!

Anonymous said...

Well spotted & shot!

Anonymous said...

good capture, nice shot

Tim Rice said...

Oh, that is amusing. :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I always wonder how things like this can happen!!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL...great sculpture:_P

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, this was the last thing I expected to see. Thanks for the chuckle, Sue.

micki said...

I always wonder two do you lose your shoe when you're out of the house and what do these kids' parents say to them when they come home missing a shoe?

Wingnut said...

so cute, I actually giggled out loud when I saw this. Great stuff on your blog these days! Keep it coming!

Icarus said...

Now how does that get to happen? How do they do that? Don't they notice they're missing one shoe?
What's more, Phwb, this is one of those pictures that demonstrates spot-on the similarities in climate & flora between Cal. & coastal Portugal. We have those spikey orange ones(don't know the name)with the prickly leaves at this time of year. There's one right outside my building, but hey are everywhere till about late-Feb. Also, some of your other recent pics, the pacific waves look so much like the Atlantic here. We have a place a vast beach & cliffs about 20 miles out from Lisbon, well-known in Europe for the surfing, named Guincho. It & the surrounding is so like Big Sur. Last but not least, look through some of my posts - particularly a birthday tribute last July - with the bridge that crosses from central Lisbon. you'll see a remarkable similarity with one you know well! But after that, all ressemblances end :-)

photowannabe said...

Thanks all of you for your comments.
Google and I and the new Beta system have been going around in circles. I have been trying to post a new picture for the last 24 hours with no success. Be patient I am still trying.
To all of you that wondered how a kid can get along with only one've got me. You would think it would be missed....

Ash said...

That is one great find!

photowannabe said...

Just trying to post. Comments I can do , pictures I can't.

Anonymous said...

That shoe certainly is a bright one. It matches the fence well.