This past weekend we went to Apple Hill which is in the Sierra foothills. We had a great time eating fresh apple pie, gazing at the pumpkins, taking pictures and contributing to the local economy.
I have been tagged by Glenn Standish and MedaM to tell 8 things about myself, so here it goes....
1. I used to be a secret shopper for Sizzler Restaurants. I would be able to eat for free and then write a report about the food and service. It was a lot of fun.
2. I love to travel and see things from a different point of view. Places I have visited are: Nicaragua, Haiti, Russia, Uzbekistan, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Mexico and lots of the USA.
3. I love the earth toned colors.
4. I love to prowl Antique stores and Flea markets with my husband.
5. I always thought I would have 2 boys and I did. Today is our 2nd born's Birthday. I can't believe he is 34 years young. Our son is a fine, tender hearted, compassionate Father, Husband and Son. We love you and are proud to have you as our son. Happy Birthday.
6. I almost got mugged when I was 18 while waiting for a bus after work in San Francisco, 9:30 at night. It was a very scary situation as I was surrounded by 3 young punks. The Good Lord had his hand on me and the guys finally gave up and walked away. I got a car immediately after that. My parents were so concerned about my safety.
7. My High School Government teacher went on to be an Assemblyman and was killed on the fact finding mission for the Jonestown Massacre. He was a good teacher and was cut down in the prime of his life.
8. Fish Tacos has become one of my favorite Mexican foods.
Thanks for the tag.
thanks for sharing your poetical regard on nature datails, i love your pumpkins and your flowers too, i will visist you soon!!
Thanks for the 8 interesting facts about yourself.
Happy birthday to your son!
I like this close up photo of yours of pumpkins.
that's a cheery, healthy gourd/pumpkin, Sue :)
It was fun reading the 8 facts .....being a secret shopper must have been such fun!!!! and I love earth toned colors too......:)
Despite approaching winter weather, the pumpkins and gourds are always a welcome autumn scene. Good photo!
Great to know more about you...the secret shopper for Sizzler sounds like a fun job! Love your very autumnal photo too.
I'm glad you were able to get out of that situation without being harmed. My Big Sis has a story like that, where she almost got hurt by a creep.
That's terrible about your former teacher. That's one of those events that will always stick in the minds of those of us around and aware when that whole thing happened.
Love the gourd shot. I miss the fresh fall apple cider we used to get when we lived in Georgia. It was just two hours from our home to the mountains, and we'd take Saturday afternoon trips up there and drink cider, buy apples, and just enjoy the cool air.
Like this shot too, also when enlarged is great, seeing all the hairy bits-magic.
interesting stuff about yourself Photowannabe .... I love gourds of all weird shapes and colours, too!
Sorry to hear about your teacher...even if it was a long time ago. Death is a part of living, yet some people never get used to it...including me! Nice images though...good way to cheer someone up :)
Beautiful image. Happy Birthday to your son...
Nice to know more about you!
`I love your photo of the is that wonderful time of year. thanks for sharing more about yourself...I would have guessed the earth tone colors...but not the part about the secret shopper. How fun!
Years ago I worked at a Western Sizzler. I hope you didn't go there. Or maybe that's why I wasn't there long. :)
What a fascinating life. Makes mine look boring. :)
Your 8 Random Facts are so interesting. Your M for Macro photo is fantastic. And I also like the photo today. I think gourd is such a neat word, don't you?
way cool pic, and the rose pic. in your other post AWEsome,
happy BDay to your son,
and thanks for the visit, and the comment,
do you think the header is to big?
have a fun weekend! :)
love the pumpkin shot!
and enjoyed reading the 8 facts about you.... ditto on #4, and i know which assemblyman you are talking about. i read the book about jim jones and the massacre.... what a tragedy!
the crazy westboro baptist church people today remind me of that. their leader, jim phelps, may be even worse b/c his messages are so hate-oriented....
Now those are interesting random fact, Sue. You are well-travelled and have a bit of luck over you as well.
Good list, Sue.
You get more interesting all the time. Could there be a movie coming? "A Teacher's Story"??
Today's post on Hyde Daily Photo is Pumpkins Galore and I've included links to more than sixty pumpkin posts on blogs around the world including your own. Happy halloween to everyone.
what a great picture..
Happy Halloween
cheers from Canada
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