Thursday, February 20, 2025


 Today is Thankful Thursday and Throwback Thursday.

There is no Rhyme or Reason to my blog post today.

I took another dive into my archives and this is what peeked my interest.

This photo is best enlarged.  I am always fascinated by reflections.  The swan swimming through the painterly reflection actually doesn't even look real...but it is.

I am always looking for the unusual point of view.

A cup of tea and an entry in my journal... the perfect start to the day.

Watch out for our Geese.
Soon there will be little ones strutting around our neighborhood.

Well, I hope you have enjoyed a walk through "my mind" today.

When in doubt go to the archives.

Always be Thankful

Always be Kind


Ann said...

Yes digging through the archives is always a good way to find interesting things. That first picture is quite fascinating and it does look more like a painting than a real photo.

Mari said...

I enlarged them all and enjoyed them! The reflection does look like a painting and the cup of tea photo is relaxing to look at.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love it! What on earth is the second photo? The reflection one is beautiful, looks like flags in the reflection. A footed teacup, never seen that before!

Shug said...

I had fun with your post today....I too, love reflections...especially reflections on a calm lake. And....the coffee cup would be out on display around pretty and unique.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, you have geese like mine!! How exciting! Are yours nesting yet? I haven't discovered our geese's nest yet, if they have one. They may not be ready quite yet. I love your photos...all of them.The first one is so beautiful, but I like them all. I'm fond of the tea cup and journal too. Thank you for sharing these with us. You are a photographer after my own heart!

Chatty Crone said...

I did enlarge them Sue, and I have to say the photo with the reflections was gorgeous. Love the geese too.

Wanda said...

HaHaHa ~ Oh Sue, we are on the same page. I was digging through the Storage Unit and found my Art Portfolio and started looking at my watercolors that I haven't seen in years. I decided to to pull out my Art Archives and share some from time to time. We are surely kindred spirits. Love you!
Your photos are so wonderful and I'm so glad you have kept all of them.

My Shasta Home said...

I have a friend that lives in Rocklin - she has a pool and every year the ducks make a nest near her pool and every year she’ll look out and there they are - the proud Duck family swimming around the pool.

Count me in - I like reflections shots as well. Nice photography. Drove out to Shasta Lake today and didn’t take any photos! 🤦🏼‍♀️

Marie Smith said...

The photo of the swan and reflection is fascinating! Have a great weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the swan looks like a painting and I would like to have the teacup printed on canvas and hanging on my wall. LOVE IT.... I never have rhyme or reason to my post. just weird/crazy stuff.

Mevely317 said...

Oh wow, Wow, WOW! That swan looks like he belongs in an olde time Venetian canal. I'm so curious about #2! Thank you for prompting me to look for extraordinary among the ordinary; hopefully, one of these days I'll catch on.