Friday, March 20, 2020


I just thought I would post some new life that's beginning in our backyard.

Our Papple Tree is shooting out some lovely blossoms.

The Papple is similar to an Asian Pear.

I'm glad there is something to look at in the yard while we are "sheltering in place."

Hang in there !!!


Ruth Hiebert said...

Glad you explained what a Papple is. I thought it might be a typo. The flowers a re beautiful .

Wanda said...

So lovely. Such a contrast from the last picture you posted of the bare tree. I have one plant on the balcony that is blooming..Lots of plants are really getting a watering and washing. I remember your Asian Pear...yummmm!

Ginny Hartzler said...

It is beautiful! A reminder that there is still beauty in the world.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are watching Papple blooms and we are watching lizards. ha ha… can we say bored? this is really beautiful. stay safe, hugs and love

Shammickite said...

No blossoms of anything on the trees here yet. But I have 2 hyacinths sprouting from the frozen ground.

Marie Smith said...

Take care you two! Health and safety wishes going your way!

Chatty Crone said...

Something beautiful to concentrate on!

Carol said...

I haven't ever heard of a papple tree, but I am thankful that you have something so pretty to look at.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It is so pretty. I would love to find those to taste!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That is so pretty and the combination name is so cool ... our daughter and SIL have an Asian Pear tree in their yard. I never get to see it blossoming because we get home to Oregon too late, but we get to eat the produce when it ripens. Yum....I bet yours is delicious too. .... Best wishes for your good health at this difficult time. We’re hanging in there here.