Tuesday, April 19, 2016


I finally got my road trip.

We had to take OUR son and daughter in law to the San Francisco airport.,

this morning.

It's a two hour drive from OUR home.

First we had to waken at " O " Dark Thirty and pry OUR eyes OPEN.

After delivering them to the airport

we took the OPPORTUNITY  to enjoy the OCEAN views.

The Pacific OCEAN was exceptionally calm.

We stood ON the edge of the world

and just breathed in the OCEAN air.

OF course we had to see The Bridge and enjoy the sunshine.

The Golden Gate Bridge seems to divide the Pacific OCEAN

from the calmer waters of San Francisco Bay.

Thanks for OPENING the link and seeing what I chose for the letter  " O ".


Indrani said...

Great views framed for 'O'.
Happy ABCW!

Murthy K v v s said...

Ocean always attracts.

Kathleen's Blog said...

Very beautiful ocean shots.
I live on the very edge of the North Atlantic ocean, in Flatrock Newfoundland.

Trubes said...

Wonderful pictures of a stunning place,
I particularly like the view of the ocean
from the verdant cliffs'

You are blessed to be able to visit such
a lovely vista in a comparatively short time.

Glad you got to get your road trip !

Best wishes.
ABCW team.

MelodyK said...

although the start might have been a little hard... the o gave you a wonderful day with memories and beautiful photo's so it was worth it ;-)

Have a nice abc-wednesday-day / – week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i would love to stand on the edge of the world that you saw, and never have or will... an awesome view. good that you could help your family and turn it into a trip

Roger Owen Green said...

I LOVE the ocean!

Ann said...

Breathtaking O's.

Marie Smith said...

Love the Os, especially the ocean.

Kate said...

Beautiful scenery. Isn't it wonderful to live in a world with so much beauty?

Unknown said...

Love the latest pictures, Sue. Btw, I have a new F/B page because mine was compromised. Please friend me again. Shelly H.