Thursday, March 26, 2015


It really doesn't seem possible.

Today marks my  1500 th  blog post!

That's a lot of life adventures and I have enjoyed sharing them.


The year is 1972

The place...Sears,  Concord, California

The characters,

My son Steve and our friend Karen.

Winnie the Pooh is actually my husband Dave.

Sears and Disney were retail partners for quite a few years.

Dave had the honor of wearing the REAL costume

for a special event.

If you enlarge the photo you can see the words on Pooh's hat.


My Son and Karen thought they were so special to escort Winnie the Pooh around the store.

Thanks for viewing my contribution to Throwback Thursday.


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a special moment for them. Dave must have been so hot! When we took our son to see a big cartoon character at 2, he screamed and cried! He was scared.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think we should all do a write in Pooh for President. he would do well. great memory for all of you. My dad worked for Sears before he was a pastor, i worked for Sears from 75 to 1990 and my hubby worked for Sears for 18 years.. but i did not know about the partner with Disney

Wanda said...

First of all ~ Congratulations on 1500. That's quite a milestone.

Love your TBT. Where does the time go, Sue??

How special to wear the original Pooh.

Love and Hugs

kc bob said...

Congrats on 1500 Sue. I imagine that I have seen most of them. :)

Merisi said...

That is a wonderful memory of a special moment in time!

Congratulations on 1,500 posts Sue, great accomplishment! I am so happy to have met you through our blogs.