Friday, August 08, 2014


My friend Wanda was talking about the first few Fall leaves drifting onto her balcony.

I am noticing a few leaves in our own back yard too.


The Crepe Myrtle trees are blooming and adding some color to a very hot Summer.

I'm not sure what this tree in our backyard is called.

I was going to take a few pictures of the one branch that is beginning to turn from lush green to dry brown.

I guess some sort of buggy critter thought the lush green leaves were pretty delicious too.

His design made me forget all about the "Fall" leaves.

ENLARGING will show this trail much more clearly.

Have a terrific weekend everybody.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Hmmm, an artistic bug! The crepe myrtles have been blooming here, too. Now they are just a bit around the bend. But no signs of fall yet, gladly!

Wanda said...

HaHa...eating his way through the menu. How cute. Bet he has a full tummy.

Your crepe myrtle is beautiful.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have seen these trails on leaves in our yard to. no idea what they are. your leaves are beautiful and not what we would see here.. i love crepe myrtles and they do grow here. it is not fall here, we are still getting sting rays in our pool. LOL

Louisette said...

Very beautifull flower ,greeting from Belgium

kc bob said...

I am loving our 80 degree summer and am not ready for Fall yet. :)

Shammickite said...

Those fluffy white blooms are lovely, I don't think they grow here.

Betsy Brock said...

I love your lovely!