Monday, February 04, 2013


This past week has been most DIFFICULT.
but I say NO!

Our DEAR  DAUGHTER in law's DAD is in the hospital with
complications from pneumonia.

He is 92 and so sick, with DIFFICULTIES breathing and also
reliving and DWELLING on some past hard times in his life.

His hospitalization is DEMANDING a lot of time from the
family, lots of love and strength too.

At the same time my older son lost his job.

Our son has shown such DIGNITY and integrity to the bosses and
fellow workers.
He has been a good example to those around him.

These can be scary times and worry can set in.
How to pay the bills and where will the next job come from are
questions that can DESTROY one's confidence.

The ONLY way our family gets though these times is by putting
our full trust and whole DEPENDENCY in the Lord.

We choose to walk this way taking it one DAY at a time.

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jel said...

sorry to hear of all the bad news, in your family.

but y'all seem to be handing it the right way. :)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I pray now for healing for DIL dad.. 92 is hard and i went through the living in the past with daddy. he had parkinsons and dementia and the past was always there. i do hope he gets better soon and also i ask the Lord now to help your son find a job. my son has been out of a job for 2 years, they are barely hanging on. I do pray for a quick job to show up for your son. God bless you and your family

Wanda said...

D words can be depressing, but also depicting so well what is going on in your family. So many prayers...hoping soon much improvement. Know you are so proud of your son and DIL.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so sorry to hear of all of this!

kc bob said...

Asking our Father to bring comfort and peace to your family Sue.

Kate said...

There should be good news just around the corner; that's how it seems anyway. I hope that most of your troubles will DISAPPEAR quickly. Fingers crossed.

Unknown said...

I have been praying for your daughter in laws dad so often. As much as I can think of him. Praying for all of your family as you heal. I am sorry for your son. I will pray for him too.

Richard Lawry said...

It is the Devil who brought sin into this world and by doing so creates these problems and hardships for us.
An Arkies Musings

Karen Schmautz said...

We are praying for your precious family.

Tania said...

Trust in Lord, the best you can do.
Hope things going better soon.
God bless You!

Roger Owen Green said...

wish you and yours the best in these DIFFICULT times
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Carver said...

I'll be sending out good thoughts for you and your family.

Reader Wil said...

I am so sorry for all the bad luck you are having at this moment. I hope your DIL's dad is getting better soon and that your son gets a job soon.
We discuss the situation almost daily , saying: how did our parents do it during the war? Well let's pray for wisdom, courage and strength.

Unknown said...

I hope things will brighten up soon for you. Thank you very much for dropping by and leaving the sweet comment at

ChrisJ said...

So sorry to hear the unhappy news. Your blogs are usually so bright and cheerful, but dark times come. But the Lord knows and brighter times will come again and seem all the brighter because of the dark times past. Praying for your comfort and peace. I hope to be back blogging again soon and hope to have some happy news to post about.

Anonymous said...

The kind of days you are having right now will pass, you are doing what you can which is to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward. Sending you good thoughts of comfort and prosperity, you can sure use them...I think we all could these days.

Hildred said...

So very sorry for the troubles that beset you at this time and I hope that things will be brighter as you keep the faith.

Hazel said...

Turning to the Lord is a proven solution to all our problems. Sending positive thoughts and hugs your way.

MaR said...

Hope things will brighten up for you and your family soon...!

Anonymous said...

Good thing is that he has the loving family around him and he has lived a long good life.
All the best for you and yours Sue!

Chubskulit Rose said...

So sorry to hear these difficulties, will be including you in my prayers.

Rose, ABC Wednesday Team


So sorry to hear and sending good wishes your way. May you and your family find strength and great love in each other.

Rajesh said...

Bad days are always followed by good days. Cheer up.

LC said...

Still praying.

Joy said...

Hope these difficult times improve. All we can do is live in the day so wishing you happier times ahead.

Leslie: said...

I am so sorry to hear of your desperate days right now. Prayers are with you all.

abcw team

imac said...

With friends pulling together helps too.

Mai said...

Difficult times, in God's grace, things will be brighter and better tomorrow.

Shammickite said...

Only just seeing this post.... and I know how difficult life can be sometimes. My prayers are with you and your extended family. And just tell your son to hang in there... when one door closes another opens, I know it's an old cliche, but it's true.

Dave said...

Sorry to learn of family difficulties. "These things too shall pass." Best wishes for the future for all concerned Sue - Dave