Monday, November 12, 2012


Here we R at the letter " R ".
The tree in our backyard is finally turning RED
and I like the way
the sun is REFRACTING
through the leaves that are READY to drop.

Here's what are REMAINING of our Papple tree leaves.
Golden bits of color awaiting the RAKE.

Aspen trees REACHING towards the RARE mountain air.



When we had to get our brakes checked a while back,
I saw this poster on the wall.
I thought " ah, the perfect choice for the letter " R" or
"S" or "T"."
To see what others have posted
I want to REMIND you to go to my link on the sidebar.
As always, enlarging the photos will REALLY show
more detail.

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Wanda said...

"R" it is!! And I love the color changes in your back yard.

Reflection are such a awesome thing. Never the same, always lovely.

I should be getting my little Nissan back this week after a new paint job!! Then I will be "Running" around again in a nice looking car.

Rajesh said...

Amazing shots, just apt.

jane said...

Lovely pics I love the first shot with the sun shining through the trees and the Reflections - Jane UK

Karen said...

Terrific shots, love the perspective in the ash pic.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Really Really Really great R photos... love the aspen's

Roger Owen Green said...

another sunny day in the autumn. beautiful

Reader Wil said...

Autumn is like a turningpoint in life,and followed by the dead season. But there will be new life after the winter. Old age, however is going to be more and more final and there is no improvement, no escaping, no promise of new life.
Thanks for the beautiful photos!
Wil, ABC Team.

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely photography with its reflections and refractions of the sun and so on ~ so perfect for ABC ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

Leslie: said...

Radiant shots this week! my favourite time of year!

abcw team

Carver said...

These are all wonderful shots. My favorite is the reflection one with the mountains.

Mae Amore said...

Your reflection shots are beautiful and I love the first shot as well.

My first time to join ABC Wednesday.

Hildred said...

Lovely photos for the letter R. Beautiful Reflections....

Dave said...

I like your reflection photos too Sue - Dave

Hazel said...

I'm so glad to see a photo of aspen trees today. Not my first time but I tend to forget how they look because we don't have them in our part of the world. And trees are some of my favorite nature pictures.

Lisa said...

Love these R's ~ I think the reflection photo is my favorite. :)

Kate said...

All very colourful, and I like the poster especially. Kate, ABC Team

Lisa said...

Gorgeous Autumn color shots!! I love red trees. Nicely done. :-)

Laloofah said...

Wow, you and I had a serious mind-meld thing going on with R week, with our "reds" and "reflections!" :-)

I LOVE your first two photos. Red leaves are my favorites, and I adore shots like the first one with the sun streaming through them. But it's actually your second one of the yellow leaves against the pebbles that keeps grabbing my eye! The color contrast is wonderful. I'm having to guess - "Papple" = pear/apple cross? Does it bear fruit? I thought they were cottonwood leaves at first!

Your reflections are beautiful, that looks like such a serene spot. And the poster is great, very eye-catching! I think I'd have used it for R week too, but you're right - you could always Recycle it for S & T weeks! :-)

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Terrific shots capturing the season.

LindyLouMac said...

Calling by from ABC Wednesday, love the photos you have used for your R post.

Kate said...

Ooops! Just accidentally deleted your comment on my blog. Just thought I'd tell you. REGRETS!!

ChrisJ said...

Great 'R's especially the reflections.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Delightful captures especially the reflection shots.

Running Shoes
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Autumnal Rs!

Martha said...

Here we R at the letter " R ".

I like that. :)