Monday, August 27, 2012


Saturday my Hubby and I went GALLIVANTING to the Miners
This took place at the Empire Mine in GRASS VALLEY, California.
As you can see lovely young GALS were dressed in GOWNS
from an earlier GENERATION.
This was taken in the Borne estate where the mine is located.

The Empire Mine was one of the largest and most prosperous
hard-rock mines in American history.
Approximately 5.8 million ounces of GOLD came from depths of
nearly one mile prior to its closure in 1956.

Many Cornish miners came from England to bring the GOLD
to the surface.
There were many GIZMOS and GADGETS that helped make
the mine such a success.

Some of the pieces of GOLD as shown in the Empire Mine

What a lot of hot, dangerous and dirty work was involved to
GET the precious ore out of the GROUND.

Here is another kind of GOLD on a late Summer Day.

Remember to enlarge the photos to GET a better look.

GO to my ABC link on my sidebar to see what others have
chosen for the letter " G ".

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Wanda said...

There is just no stopping you and Dave from your day trips... I'm so jealous... But we did get one day trip with you. And that was really fun.

Love all your "G's". When you see mine it's not nearly so elegant. HaHa. But first I have to post my Creative Tuesday "Curls".

MadSnapper n Beau said...

nothing better than a gallivanting gal photography gorgeous pics

Hilary said...

Another golden alphabet post. It sounds like it was a gem of a day.

Dave said...

Interesting photos Sue. Those lumps of ore would have been interesting to see. The young lady looks very pretty in her gown of yesteryear too - Dave

Karen Schmautz said...

I love that place. That pic of the tin roof is really well-spotted. My ancestors on my dad's side were Cornish Miners. My grandfather's grandfather came to California to mine...but he ended up in Dry Town in Amador County. Enjoyable read.

Carver said...

Great post for G. Sounds like an interesting place to visit. Carver, ABC-Wed. Team

caijsa said...

Lovely and interesting post. It seems you had a nice day and the dress is so elegant.

Barbara said...

What a fascinating place, great costume!

Reader Wil said...

You must have had a lovely time gallivanting.The photos are great!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

What a neat event to go to! I also love the way things rusted on that roof-made for interesting patterns. I wonder what the miners would think of the price of gold today vs. their day?

Meryl said...

Gold is always good!!!!

Chubskulit Rose said...

She is gorgeous!

Golden Rule
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

LindyLouMac said...

Calling by from ABC Wednesday, some fun G's, great to meet you.

Ann said...

Thats a lot of millions. They really worked hard to bring it all to the surface. Looks like an interesting place to visit.

imac said...

Sunny Mine fields

Lisa said...

Great take on G-day! Another interesting and informative post. But my favorite is the last shot! :-)

AsianAnglophile said...

I love that from-another-era gown. Always fancied wearing one just for fun.

The Poet said...

You always have beautiful photos!! Interesting thoughts born from that wonderful day. Thanks for sharing.

ChrisJ said...

But the gold of the flower is infinitely more beautiful than the gold from the ground -- and so little effort to bring it forth.:)

ChrisJ said...

But the gold of the flower is infinitely more beautiful than the gold from the ground -- and so little effort to bring it forth.:)

Rajesh said...

Wonderful choice of words and images.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I love gallivanting too, but to where there are flowers.

New York Erratic said...

Great post! Can see why the Romans wanted this area so badly.

Chris H
ABC Wednesday

EG CameraGirl said...

So much to see at that mine! I hope the girl wasn't feeling too warm in that old0fashioned garb.