Monday, February 06, 2012


The letter for ABC Wednesday is " D ".
I DIDN'T want today's letter to be a DUD,
so I DOWNLOADED photos from my archives.
Going DOWN into the DARK and DREARY
DUNGEON can be a bit DAUNTING.

Be DARING when you are in the DUNGEON.
You might DISCOVER

Today I had to go to the DMV or the DEPARTMENT of
Motor Vehicles.
My DOCTOR had approved another temporary
DISABLED Parking Placard for me.
This will make it easier for me to park until my gimpy knee
DOESN'T hurt me any longer.

Isn't this a  DELICIOUS  DAWN?
The sky is DECORATED with DOLLOPS of pink and orange
DO visit the other blogs for ABC Wednesday.
Just click on the ABC link on my sidebar.

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Ginny Hartzler said...

You couldn't get me down those creepy steps if you dragged me!!! Is that dragon really down there? What all IS down there, anyway? I love the beautiful dawn. I have a permanent handicapped license plate, my knee won't get better and now the other knee is shot, too. I am glad yours is only temporary!

Olivier said...

toujours de belles photos, j'aime beaucoup la premiere

jane said...

Wow - love the Dragon Toes - and the colours of your dawn picture are amazing - Have a good week - Jane UK

MadSnapper n Beau said...

those dragon toes are my favorite, although the first shot is beautiful, the toes are 'special'

Jane and Chris said...

I love the dungeon shot!
Jane x

Carol said...

Great Ds...I also love the dungeon shot...gorgeous sunset

Kate said...

Best of luck on your knee; I can sympathize after having two arthroscopies on the same knee. Never again!

How was your anniversary celebration?

Jane Hards Photography said...

Delightful series of pics, varied and has to be the landscape pinks and purples for me

Roger Owen Green said...

For the record, your posts are NEVER duds.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Carver said...

Great post for D day. I love those dragon toes. I am dreading having to go to DMV for my test. I should probably check and see what year that is going to come up next. I'm always nervous about the eye test. I wear tri-focals and am always afraid that looking in the little eye test they do I won't do well enough even though I'm fine driving. Carver, ABC Wednesday Team

Tina´s PicStory said...

great shots! :)

Reader Wil said...

Beautiful photos again and I admire that lovely coloured sky. The toes must belong to a beautiful dragon.Have a great week!
Wil,ABC Wednesday Team.

Penelope Notes said...

This is a nice collection of “D” words. I like the “dollops” of clouds because they sound delicious like lollipops. Hope your knee gets better soon. :)

Annie said...

I love your post for D - the dragon toes are very cool! I hope your knee feels much better very soon.

Gerald (SK14) said...

darn it dude you've done and dusted some dandies this day

Meryl said...

Love those dragon toes... good luck with your knee!

tinajo said...

Love the dragon! :-)

Joy said...

Here be dragons, but quite cute ones by the look of it. Rather a flash permit, I like the punch holes, (I always like a punch on a train ticket) ours permits are little square green cards. Hope your knee doesn't take too long to get better.

likeschocolate said...

Hope your knee gets better soon.

Pat said...

That's a lot of D's!
I love the dragon toes.

In answer to your question as to our weather, it's awful. Go see my current banner and Monday's photo! I want sun!

Barbara said...

I like the dungeon photo, how I would like to go down those steps! I hope your knee gets better soon, I know how you feel my knees are not so good these days.

Hildred said...

A great array of D's - love the Dragon, and his Toes, but they are all wonderful.

Wanda said...

Oh never a dud....always daring and delicious. Those dragon toes...rather scary. Another great job as always.

Tim said...

You tell great stories with your "ABC" days. :)

Maddy said...

Love all your D shots, especially the dungeon!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Love the dollop of pink and other colors on your sky shot. The dragon toes is such a dandy.

Dolce & Gabbana

Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Tumblewords: said...

Exotic dragon toes, to be sure. The dawn dollops and dungeon are luscious, too. Hope your knee improves soon.

LC said...

Intriguing Ds. And I had been wondering about your knee. Thinking of you!

Kim said...

You are a prolific poster. Like many others the dragon toes caught my attention.

ChrisJ said...

Dragon toes? Now that's Different!

ChrisJ said...

Dragon toes? Now that's Different!

Hazel said...

Dollops of pink and orange - I like that. I've never been in a dungeon and I've always been curious to visit one. I will first chance I get. Hope the knee is better.

MedaM said...

Great post of "D"! The first photo and the last one are my favorites.

imac said...

Great finds and shots.

Mrs.D said...

oh, wow! great selection!

Unknown said...

i love your post and your pictures! there was never a DULL moment while i was going through it. they were DELIBERATELY well thought of.

EG CameraGirl said...

Hope you knee feels better very soon!

Cool dragon toes. :))

Unknown said...

I am sorry your knee is hurting. I don't like that one little bit. praying right now for you!

The Poet said...

The dungeon actually looked like you were going down into a wine cellar.
My favorite of the lot is the dawn photo. Something serene about dawn & love the colors.
Very nice.
Thanks for sharing.

Daydreaming Of Yesterday