Monday, December 12, 2011


We are coming closer to the end of ABC Wednesday.
Today's letter is " V ".
I think I have suffered VACUITY and have had a VERY
difficult time finding photos for this letter.
The first picture is for VERSACE.
These huge windows show show the designer's skill.
It seems the models can't be VOLUPTUOUS to show off
his clothing designs.
Be sure to enlarge the pictures to see the detail.
It was quite dark in this hallway of the Mall.

Louis VUITTON is also famous for design.
Here are some VERY expensive sunglasses.
You can see his name lit backwards in the store window.
In my VIEW, I would have to be VAIN to spend that much
for a pair of these just to stay in VOGUE.

This well VARNISHED stairway gave me VERTIGO just
looking down the side of it.
The Crystal Mall had little VIGNETTES of art forms
everywhere we looked.

Last but not least, take a look at the VIEW through the
" V 's" in the fence.
I like all the VARIED textures and colors.
Now don't VACILLATE!
over to the ABC link on my sidebar to see the
VALIANT efforts everyone has put forth.
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Tim said...

I believe I would find an ABC series of posts quite challenging. But you have definitely met that challenge. :)

mrsnesbitt said...

I agree with Tim - what an adventure eh?
Denise ABC Team

Ginny Hartzler said...

You have made Christmas tree ornaments from the fence cut-outs, how pretty. The stairway angle is wonderful, I love it!

Olivier said...

des superbes photos, surtout la deuxieme que j'aime beaucoup

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are wonderful, can't believe you found such cool V stuff. love the varnished one,

Anonymous said...

I would call this a Vigorous post. Lots of interesting Views I must say.

Pheno, ABCW

MaR said...

Lots of chic V's!!

V is for verdigris

jane said...

Thanks for sharing your fashion V post - your shots are fantastic - I loved the Louis Vuitton shop in Paris - didn,t buy anything of course! I am sure you will know why! Jane UK

Carver said...

I think you did a very good job with these words and photos for V day.

Lisa said...

Vow! nice V's and photography. did you notice how the stairs cascading down looked like little v's. Well, at least to me anyway. have a great Vednesday. :)

Roger Owen Green said...

great variety of Vs. I LIKE voluptuous, BTW.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

EG CameraGirl said...

You are amazingly good with words!

Gigi Ann said...

You topped yourself again this week. What a wonderful variety of V words and pictures you shared again this week. Loved them all.

imac said...

Great photography.

Leovi said...

Excellent and creative images. Greetings.

ChrisJ said...

Oh, I thought that last photo was actually the art work done on a board. That is an eye teaser1

Reader Wil said...

Beautiful photos which we are used to see in your posts. The staircase was difficult to see, because it is an extraordinary construction. The last photo is brilliant. Thanks for sharing and teaching non English speakers some new words!

The Poet said...

I agree the stairs made me dizzy too. My favorite is the fence.
Lovely photos.
Thanks for sharing & visiting. i appreciate the comment. Roger's comment.

For ref:
Visions Of Love

Wanda said...

Oh I'm loving your variety of "V's"

You have such a gift with your camera. Every shot is SO professional. You are the best!

Yes, we are coming down to the end...Must put my thinking cap on for "W"....mmmm Wanda????

Oakland Daily Photo said...

This is a fun post. Cool shots.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Versace is a bit expensive!

Ingrid said...

I bought Versace glasses in Turkey for 5 € lol !

J.Rylie.C said...

Such a variety of Vs!

Please inspire me with your comment at my V entry thanks!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Always amazed here at the creative ways in which each letter is presented-and the abundance!! Wow!

Joy said...

Love the colour you captured in the first photo. You've found an amazing number of Vs.

Tumblewords: said...

Superb! Superb! You made the V look easy and it surely isn't. :)

Hilary said...

Victorious once again. I love that fence and how you make the alphabet work for you.

Unknown said...

I can't believe how skinny that model is for Versace. I am like 5 of her!
I love your pictures!