Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Today's post FEATURES the letter " F ".
Here we FIND a dragonFLY
being totally FOOLED by the FAKE
blown glass FLOWER.
I love how color coordinated the dragonFLY
is on the FAUX FLORAL beauty.

FUNNY, I have never seen a FROG this FANCY before.
His design is almost FLUORESCENT.
I FIGURE someone in the FUTURE will buy him and FEATURE him in their garden.

Aren't these FLAMINGOS gorgeous?
The FLAMINGOS were FOCUSING on wooing their mates by FLAPPING their wings.

Don't you hate to get a FLAT tire?
I FEEL FORTUNATE that this one isn't mine.
To see what others are FEATURING FOR the letter F
just go to Mrs. Nesbitts link on my sidebar.
Enlarging each picture will help you FIND all the FABULOUS detail.
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Unknown said...

How about
F is for FABULOUS post sweet friend.
Fabulous. Fabulous. Fabulous!
I am so filled with happiness that you are my Friend! : )

Rune Eide said...

That glass flower was a joy to see.. it couldn't have been easy to get a good shot of that one.

Mrs. Me said...

Fantabulous Features in Fantastic Fotos.

Okay I took a little liberty with spelling Photo with an "F". So sue me!

Vinay Leo R. said...

ur love for detail is there PW, and all are lovely photos :)

My ABC Wednesday Post

Beverly said...

I love your post so much. Especially love the frog. Here in Bradenton we have geckos all over town that have been painted with all kinds of designs. They can be found on walls of buildings all around. They are sold at auction to benefit I'm not sure who. They are fun to see.

kc bob said...

Not sure that tired is flat or just rotted out. :)

Kay L. Davies said...

Great post. Lots of variety and imagination. Love how the firefly landed on the glass flower.
Unfortunately, I remember when flat tires looked a lot like that (not exactly, but a lot). Haven't had a flat for years, though. Love modern technology sometimes.

Sylvia K said...

What a fantastic group of F words for the day! I love them -- particularly that colorful frog and the dragonfly! How fun!! Have a Fantastic week!


Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Great choices for F - fabulous indeed. A x

Roger Owen Green said...

That is one FINE frog.

Yes, I hate the flat tire, too.

On behalf of ABC Wednesday team, thank you! - ROG

Olivier said...

tres beau post avec la lettre 'F'

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love all of these pictures! Is that a real dragonfly? Is it lavender and blue striped? It's not fake like the flower, how amazing! Beautiful flamingos, I have never seen a real one yet. But I didn't know they has black on the edges of their wings, it looks like only the males do, maybe for mating season?

Wanda said...

Oh my goodness, I want that frog in my garden....

Clever use of pictures and words as usual. You are so good.

Carver said...

Fantastic post. I love that fanciful glass flower. All good shots for the letter F.

Leslie: said...

As usual, a fabulous post with fantastic fotos all about F words! Have a great week!

Carol said...

Love the dragon fly shot, such a pretty faux flower also. Beautiful flamingos, I have only seen these in the zoo.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Man, those are BRIGHTLY colored flamingos! I never would've thought that a dragonfly would e fooled by a faux flower. Never.
Yes, glad that I don't have a flat tire either! Love your choices!
Get this, my word scrabble here is:


How funny!

Gigi Ann said...

What a fantastic post today. The glass flower that fooled the dragonFly, is quite lovely. I enjoyed all your F photos today.

MadSnapper said...

Oh goody, i found a post that made me smile. love the flat tire. that glass flower is really special.

Mara said...

I wouldn't mind kissing that frog, but I'm a bit worried I might get a very flowery prince in return!

Reader Wil said...

Fabulous, fantastic, funny F- post.Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!

Hildred said...

Great post and pictures - love the frog, - a real sweetheart.

Gayle said...

Ooh, I like the color of the dragonfly. Great selection of F's.

Amy said...

Sue, The flat tire cracked me up. That glass flower capture was pretty cool too! And, yes, I had a fabulous time in Portland and the weather on the Oregon coast was perfect - not a cloud in the sky!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful choices and terrific images.

Annelie said...

Ooooh, great pictures! Lovely colours!

Verna Luga said...

poor drangonfly ... I was actually waiting if there would be a flamingo entry... these are lovely creatures...

My ABC Wednesday here
And Here Too
hope you can drop by, Have A Nice Day!

Tumblewords: said...

Fantastic F's. The fake flower kept me looking for quite some time - no wonder the dragon fly was fooled. Gorgeous photos, all around!

Gattina said...

Very nice findings ! I love the little frog, so cute !

Cezar and Léia said...

Bonjour dear friend!
FANTASTIC post, I love your creative idea, with all composition "words and pictures"and for sure my favorite one is that cute FROG! :)
Your blog is beautiful!
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

Dave said...

A Fantastic selection of Fotos Sue! :-) - Dave

Jama said...

Love those colors on the frog, so awesome! and I like Flamingos, their colors are so gorgeous.

Cheryl said...

Great words and shots for F. The blown glass flower with the dragonfly captured my attention and made it hard to move on.

John (@bookdreamer) said...

Wonderful eye and detail. I'm new in town and I post from various blogs so last week my E was a 50-word story called The Prince of Darkness is a gentleman. This week my F is a poem called The final seaside trip. Thanks for dropping by. I hope you have a good week!

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

Flamingo! I love them!

Thanks for visiting my ABC Wednesday

Dawning Inspiration said...

Love that Fake blown glass Flower! It's soooo cool!

Carolyn Ford said...

What a fabulous "F" post! That glass flower is gorgeous and to capture the dragon fly too...even more so! I love that frog...I'd keep him in my garden!

Wendy said...

What a really FUN post, esp. loved the "dragonfly" beautiful!

Freda said...

Haven't left a comment for a while. This is just to let you know that I marvel at your "fotos" Every Blessing

Sujomi said...

Fantastic fotos!

LisaF said...

I love dragonflies and wish I had a good shot of one. And, I almost bought a frog exactly like yours in Cancun last time we were there! The flamingos foto is really fun, but I hope the flat wasn't yours.

ruthi said...

FUNtastic! so cool how you come up with lots of F words.

Hilary said...

You're as creative with your use of F words ;) as with your photography. Great photos, one and all.

John Roberts said...

That's a California frog for sure!

Mike's Travels said...

I LOVE the fancy frog! Great photos!