Tuesday, July 13, 2010


The end of the alphabet. " ZED " or " Z ". We've made it through a ZILLION posts to come to this point.
I thought I would post the ZANY and silly hat I wore
at Chick -fil-A for their chicken restaurant promotion.
The cow is their ZEALOUS mascot that encourages everyone to eat more chicken and not him.
Being full of ZEST got me a complete meal for Free. Nobody knew me, So... why not?

Here we have some cubic ZIRCON earrings. Not the real things but pretty just the same.

Every fair or carnival has Fortune Telling booths. Perhaps ZOLTAR will ZIP a secret to you.

The book of ZEPHANIAH is four books from the end of the Old Testament.
Its only 3 chapters long and in them the prophet ZEPHANIAH has words of warning about Judgement Day .
Its an interesting book that isn't read very often.

Thanks for traveling through the alphabet with me.
To see what others have posted for " Z "
ZOOM over to Mrs. Nesbitts link on my sidebar.

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Bettey said...

Zoltar!!! It looks just like the one on the movie "Big"! Have a good rest of the week :)

Hood Photo Blog

kc bob said...

Zany hat for sure!

Tumblewords: said...

I read about the Chick-fil-A promo - love the hat. Great Z post!

mrsnesbitt said...

Oh fantastic! I remember making a cow's head many years ago on an Art Teacher's weekend - how we laughed! Yes I too would have worn it too - for a free meal even!

Thanks so much for being part of this epic project as we approach Round 7!

ABC Team

Sylvia K said...

What a great, fun post for the Z day! Love that zany hat, too! Cheers for the chickens -- great product promotion. Hope you're enjoying a great week! Thanks as always for your visits/comments, much appreciated! And I'm so glad you enjoy playing with the alphabet with the rest of us!


Hildred said...

You have chosen some really unusual words for Z, and I do love your hat!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can't believe you found so many Z photos. the Zany hat is my favorite. and I never thought to look in the Bible, where better? great zzzzzzz post and I don't mean it put me to sleep. ha ha

Mara said...

I love the hat! I've seen something similar once on the back of a lorry: 'save the forest, eat more woodpecker!'

Dawning Inspiration said...

You do so well with this Alphabet photo shot stuff. Love the hat!!

Leslie: said...

Lots of great Z words today! I know just about every fair or carnival I've been to had a Zoltar! They're so funny to watch. See you in Round 7! :D

Olivier said...

la premiere photo est totalement culte,j'adore

Beverley Baird said...

Zounds! What a great post! Love the story told with Zs!
Take care!

Gayle said...

That's one crazy hat! I'll bet the chick-fil-a employees got some good laughs that day from all the getups.

Shammickite said...

That's not a ZEEEE, it's a ZED!

Unknown said...

I have loved traveling the alphabet with you Miss Sue! Do you know that you are one of my very favorite bloggers. It was love at first click : )

Roger Owen Green said...

love Zoltar from Big.

those Z Bible books I've probably only read the three times I've read the Bible from cover to cover.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

You are so right! I never hear of read the Book of Zephaniah.But, what a clever selection of 'z' to end Round 6 with! C U in 7!

Amy said...

Sue, Good for you! Zany is a good look (most days of the week!) Have a great week!

Wanda said...

Darling fashion statement.

Love your Z post....Sorry it has come to an end.

magiceye said...

lovely takes on the theme!

Ruth L.~ said...

Zowie, you covered a lot! And made it look like fun!

Jama said...

Cute hat!

jay said...

Some great Zs in there! Love the Zoltar - I have a photo of one I found in Boulder City, um ... Nevada I think!

On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday, Round 6! Looking forward to Round 7, which begins next week!

Carolyn Ford said...

You certainly were creative with Z...I love the zany hat!

LisaF said...

Love Chic-fil-A campaigns! They are so imaginative. And I also immediately thought of "Big" when I saw Zoltar. Zircons or not, jewelry is always a nice touch!

Joy said...

So there is such a thing as a free lunch, too good to miss, and how many opportunities do you get to wear a cows head. Great collection of Z.

Anonymous said...

How very interesting to read. Please have you all a wonderful Thursday.

daily athens

Carol said...

Wonderful! How brave you are - and what a great sense of fun you display6ed - with your Zany hat!

Luckaa said...

Great words on Z. I love your hat.

Leslie D. said...

Wow VERY clever! You deserve a gold medal for gathering up all those gems in one post. Highly entertaining!

Hilary said...

Always clever entries for your letters. Even the ones which prove to be a challenge.. like Zed (I have to agree with my Shammie, my fellow Canadian). ;)

Bradley Hsi said...

Always learn something from your blog and love the pictures.

lv2scpbk said...

I left you a Versatile award on my blog. Please check it out and pass it on. It's on my Everyday Life's Issues blog.

Merisi said...

Nice hat! :-)
I remember that chicken restaurant!

Merisi said...

Nice hat! :-)
I remember that chicken restaurant!

Serline said...

Is that really him? The famous Zoltar from the movie "Big"? Pristine condition too!