Friday, November 07, 2008


Autumn in my backyard. Some trees are dressed in wonderful colors ,
While others aren't dressed at all.....
Carmi's theme for this week is Autumn. Check out his link on my sidebar for others showing their Autumn photos.
As always enlarge the picture for more detail.
Have a terrific weekend everyone.
By the way, pop over to Mr. Mapper's blog (link is at my sidebar). He has two fabulous shots of the moon.
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Anonymous said...

Your autumn is presently most beautiful! Your photo shows it.
Now we can again start to realize our different latitudes :)

Enjoy your colorfultrees, I enjoy your photos!

Have a happy weekend, Sue!

MedaM said...

When I enlarged this beautiful and colorful photo I also noticed the moon on the lovely blue sky. :-)

John Roberts said...

This looks like Winter in the foreground, Fall in the background. Have a good weekend!

Kate said...

Ah, yes! Autumn can be glorious, but for people like me who loves warmth, it portends months of discomfort. Your photo clearly shows both sides!

Bear Naked said...

Our willow tree in the backyard just started turning colours this week.
My Japanese maple is at it's best right now just blazing a brilliant shade of bright red.

Bear((( )))

CG said...

I love the contrast between the dressed and undressed trees, very nice juxtaposition!

PastormacsAnn said...

Great shot for autumn - I like how you've captured the trees in their different stages of getting set for winter.

Linda G. said...

We're having indian summer now that the leaves have mostly fallen. Warm days and cold the red leaves in your picture, ours have been mostly yellow.
The gourd picture is wonderful, so many varieties and colors.
I posted some moon pictures too.
Not as good as Mr. Mapper's..bu different..

Anonymous said...

Nice view from your back yard. The fall leaves are falling off the trees too fast!

I have a small award for you at my place. You've already received one of these awards and I don't expect you to follow up with the rules, just wanted to recognize you.

kuanyin333 said...

Just beautiful--makes me miss the autumn season!

carmilevy said...

What a great idea to compose the scene like this. The contrast is stark...really makes you think about the range of feelings we experience as the seasons change.

Wanda said...

I love the bare tree in the foreground and the autumn in the background... Wonderful Picture!

Steve Buser said...

I love the depth of field play in this . Warm autumn colors.

Bill said...

Fall has always been my favorite season, and one of the good things about my current situation is that I get to live in the middle of a forest during the color change.

Beverly said...

That's a great shot, Sue. I foud myself in February in Virginia being very drawn to photographing bare trees. I love the ocntrast here.

Unknown said...

No matter how many pictures of leaves I see they get me every time. So beautiful!

Shammickite said...

Both todays pic and the previous one of the assorted gourds mean autumn to me.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...


AVCr8teur said...

That is quite a contrast between the tree in the foreground and the one in the back.

Anonymous said...

Nice fall shot. The colors are beautiful.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

our colors are almost gone.......i am gonna miss them...what a year tt was.....from winter's stark snowscapes to autumn's glorious colors......:)

love the cheery sunshine in the image too :)