Monday, June 02, 2008


I love the deep rich blues of the Iris. This is my post for Anna's Blue Project.
To see others that have joined this challenge just go to Anna's Photo of the Day which you can find on my sidebar favorites.
Join in its lots of fun.
Don't forget to enlarge this shot by clicking on the picture.
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Beverly said...

Those iris are beautiful. I think I got mine fixed.

Dorothy said...

Beautiful irises! Wonderful blue choice!

Dianne said...

wonderful photo. the pot from yesterday was beautiful as well

dot said...

I love irises! Beautiful shot!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I love iris! The color on these is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful blue iris Sue! Great shot for project blue.

Thanks for your many visits.


Anonymous said...

Irises are among my favorite flowers!

Dave said...

I like your Iris shots too. - Dave

Anonymous said...

iris are fantastic flowers for photos. and you have show as a great one

Gina said...

Beautiful shade of blue! Irises are SO beautiful! :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

That's a wonderful shot. I love the hues you got on those irises. Lovely image.

Olivier said...

le projet bleu t'inspire, très belle photo de cette fleur
the blue project inspire's you, very beautiful picture of this flower

MedaM said...

The photo is great especially when it is enlarged. Fantastic colours and details inclouding a little bug; at first sigh I though it was an ant.

Hilary said...

Beautiful shot! I love irises too, but my once-profuse collection of them has dwindled down to three shoots. Any suggestions to revive them for future years?

Anonymous said...

Oh I love the blue in both your first and second photos. Just gorgeous. Have a great week...

Come Away With Me said...

I like both your blue choices, but I think the irises are my favorites.

Jeanne Damoff said...

Lovely flowers! The little bug is so cute, especially when you enlarge the shot. :)

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

They are lovely.

CG said...

Such elegant flowers. I love iris.

Carole said...

beautiful iris's. wonderful image.

Lilli & Nevada said...

beautiful colors on the Iris, mine have not started blooming yet

Robert said...

I'm jealous. I can't fine any more blue irises here. You did a great job capturing these.

Shelly said...

Wow, such a pretty shot. I love how the softness of the flowers comes through in the photo.

Anonymous said...

My iris haven't bloomed yet...soon I hope. Yours are spectacular. Thank you for all of your wonderful visits. I've been a bit distracted as of late. Hopefully I will get around more often .,..and as for coming to visit can come see me any time you like. I'd love to have you.

Raven said...

What a beautiful shot. I love the variations in color and texture.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

i have been missing from blogging scene for so long that wasn't even aware of the project...gotta whip up something blue myself for the project now :)

and this reminds me of the "tall order" shot of Iris that Anna had herself done not long back. These are flowers with personality, don't you think???