Its ABC Wednesday again. " Z " is for ZIP -LINE. This is one of our group in Nicaragua getting his thrills on a zip -line "ride". There were three lines to get from the top of the mountain, across the lake and down to ground level. The guys thought it was an awesome thing to do.....Me? I watched. Heights and me don't get along too well.
Don't forget to enlarge it.
It looks like fun, but the same with me, also a wimp. I am too high stood on a chair.
I did go up in a hot air balloon one time and after a few minutes, it wasn't too scary.
nice shot
superbe la photo, moi je ne pourrais pas j'aurais le vertige. bravo
Superb picture, I could not I vertigo. Bravo
It's been years since I've been on a zip-line. They're great fun.
wonderful shot. well done
That sure looks like fun -- and maybe I would have tried it when I was much younger, but now -- no way!
Well done and impressive photo! As for me, I too would only watch.:-)
Looks like fun. I'd love to try it!
I can really think of a lot of things that would scare me more but tis would be near the top of the list.
I would have watched too....well somebody has to take the photograph! LOL!
Fantastic Z post! I would have been scared to death!
I reckon if man was meant to fly we would have wings. I like to have my feet on the ground too. Nice photo.
Ack! I have noodle legs just looking at it. Great shot though.. and good idea for a Z.
For me, this would be like using a parachute: only if there was no other way out!
never in a month of Sundays - I clicked for the bigger picture took one look and clicked off!
Wow - this is a great Z - I bet it is the only one we will see today. Good job!!
I did a zip line once. It looked just like that and it was scary as hell to jump off. Then it got fun.
That looks like a thrill for sure
That was a new one to me. I would have stayed on the ground too.
Super cool!
It does look like fun! Great shot!
Too scary for me!! Congrats on reaching Z :)
hey Sue! Thanks for the comment on my blog. About the sun catchers, the flowers on those are my images. I look pictures of the pressed flowers and they are on the glass...
CRAZY and innovative! :)
Thanks again for the encouragement!
Nice shot.
You shouldn't be scared of's the ground that kills you!
Oh, my goodness! I'm sorry but you wouldn't find me there. So good to see though and you sure captured it well.
Guelph Daily Photo, Pat's Photo-a-Day
I get butterflies in my tummy just looking at this - me and heights do not go down well
phew!!!! did the lake have can't blame me for asking that!!!! i have lived in Florida for past 3 years!!!
Looks like fun, but not for me! Wonderful picture.
Where do I buy my tickets ;)
Great shot but I'm with you. I would stay on the ground and watch.
Never get me on one of those.... LOL~~~~
I haven't been by your blog in a while because of my schedule. I can see that I have really missed a lot. Lots of quality, eye-enticing photos.
--steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo
That looks wicked scary!
That looks like fun! Nice capture!
Not "the way I want to go!" The sky is a beautiful blue.
I've never been on a zip-line but this one definitely looks scary. No need to pay to be scared.
What an image! Great use of Z.
My kids have done those...I have not and I doubt I ever will!
You have received the Make My Day Bloggers Award! Check it out at my blog, Guelph Daily Photo.
"Me? I watched." I would've too, covering my eyes half of the time. Gee, I just couldn't do something like that. My stomach wouldn't allow it. But I do love the photo.
How have you been? I hope all is well. :)
down the line.Great Z.
I thought of Zip line but had no pictures. Not something I would do because I don't do the height thing either.Great "Z"!!!
Wow Wee this looks like fun!!! :) :) Cool shot :)
A unique z! Looks like quite a ride! I'm not sure I'd be able to do that, but what a great thing to take photos of!
My kind of recreation... But someone won't let me... And I probably have an unfavorable weight-to-upper-arm-strength balance...
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