Monday, March 05, 2007


The Corral Steakhouse serves a wonderful all you can eat buffet from noon to two o'clock Tuesday through Friday for $10.00 or for seniors its only $7.50
Chef Brent cooks everything from scratch and there's always fish, chicken, pasta and several veggies to choose from or have it all. At least once a week he also adds all the steak you want to the buffet menu.

If you are ever in Pacifica, California you must give this charming little restaurant a try.

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Anonymous said...

This looks like a great place. So you're getting your kitchen remodeled. I did the same a few years ago, it was a fantastic kitchen, took 3 months to finish. And would you believe we only stayed in the house 1 year after that. Man, it was hard to leave that kitchen. But it sold the house in a hurry.

Thank you so much for your kind comment about Robert.

Your beach scene yesterday is quite different from mine today!

John Roberts said...

Is that sourdough bread I see??? Looks delicious! It's very early in the morning as I'm typing this, but now I'm ready for supper!

John Roberts said...

I forgot to add, did you enjoy the looks from the other diners as they watched you photograph your meal? Isn't it fun?

Anonymous said...

now I'm officially hungry.....

Anonymous said...

yummy.. looks great

Beverly said...

Oh, I am ready for some of that. It looks so good.

Anonymous said...

Very appetizing!Colors are beautiful!
Good shot!

Anna said...

I have what she's having...

from When Harry Met Sally....


That food looks great!

carmilevy said...

And it's right beside the Golden State National Recreational Area, so what's not to like?

I seriously have to stop by if I'm ever in the area. I mean, all you can eat for $10! I'm so in!

Fully agree with you: local restaurants are such great ways to understand and appreciate the local landscape.

The Wellspring said...

I am such a "BEEF, it's what's for dinner" gal that I'm nearly drooling on my keyboard. My hubby says it's because I was raised in farm country (Nebr.). Either way, it looks rather tasty.

Glad you got the connection between Chris and I today. What a post to get it on, eh? (the SPLASHDOWN one...) I thought I had mentioned that to you in a previous post, but perhaps not. Either way, it's hard to keep everybody straight here in cyber space - HA! But yes, we will certainly take you as a shirt tail relative. :) Thanks for your comment on my kids from around the world post today - I was thinking the same song in my head as I was typing the caption for it. :)

Anonymous said...

yum:-P this shot really make me hungry. great capture


Eiiiiii... se bonne...

