Thursday, February 01, 2007


A beautiful end to a perfect day.

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Meg said...

Photowannabe, I did have a close-up of the sewing machine fence - not a good one, but I've added a link.

John Roberts said...

Very nice composition!

Paula said...

Reminds me of when we lived in Florida. Very nice.

Dsole said...

wooww... looking to the sea makes me feel so calm and peacefully... that's a very relaxing and beautiful photo!
greetings from Madrid!

Annie said...

Here's a photo that would look just as beautiful in black and white. You are skilled with that camera.

Olivier said...

"A beautiful end to a perfect day." et une superbe photo.

“A beautiful end to a perfect day.” and a superb photograph.

Anonymous said...

The details in the water are so lovely. It looks warm! Such a contrast to the water I just photographed. :)

Deb said...

I've dragged out the beach chair again at my a hammock this time!

Chad Oneil Myers said...


edwin s said...

this is simply precious. it's simple and so beautiful. I live in the city far away from the ocean which I love terribly. thank you for a moment of serenity.

Shammickite said...

You really know how to make me homesick for the ocean!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a perfect day :) Any day ending with such a beautiful scene would have to be good.

Susan said...

this sort of light. I got a few like this myself this afternoon.

Zannnie said...

wow...i like this photo of this sunset

Anna said...

I love your site...I am a photowannabe too! This is my first visit here and I plan on coming back to visit again! Great pictures!

Oya said...

My first visit . All pictures are so peaceful. I could not say you are amateur. Not anymore...Greetings from Istanbul...

Marcia said...

absoulutely gorgeous!!