Monday, January 17, 2011


Here we go, off on ANOTHER ADVENTURE through the ALPHABET .
we start with the letter " A ".
Do you see the APPLE Core Leaf?
I thought it quite ARTSY.
Sometimes it pays to look AROUND.

AN ALBINO peacock seemed to be most ACCOMMODATING
posed for me.
I think his looks ARE A cut ABOVE the rest.

AN ABANDONED AUTO was lying in the grass slowly AGING.
I think it ACTS like it belongs in the stark surroundings.
We saw this poor AUTOMOBILE in the Ghost Town called Bodie.

AREN'T these the cutest ALPACAS you ever saw?
They AMBLED over to the railing so I could take their picture.
The one behind remained ALOOF.
I do love its ARTISTIC looking beard or mutton chops. Don't you?
To see what others have ACHIEVED by posting the letter " A ",
I ASK you to just click on the link on my sidebar.
I think they ARE ALL way ABOVE AVERAGE!
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Ginny Hartzler said...

I would not have seen the apple core leaf! And the alpacas, they look like punk alpacas!! The old car is, indeed in very bleak surroundings. All I can say to this post is AWESOME.

Hilary said...

Amazing! I did see the apple core immediately. I love that peacock and the old truck below it. Wonderful as always, Sue.

Wanda said...

Just love your choices for this new round.

Yes, I do see that apple core in the leaf...

I still working on my "A" as tomorrow is Theme Tuesday so I wont be posting until late tomorrow night or early Wed morn.

Andy said...

I struggle to come up with one "A" photo and your post has four of them. Way to go, eh!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

abandoned auto gets my vote today. love it, wish i were there to see it right now. yet again a superb job using the letter of the day

Unknown said...

I love your A post. I guess I should think of a letter A : )

LC said...

And i get to enjoy another round of alphabet pix! The apple core registered before I even read your text. Love the do on the alpaca. Ginny was right on, punk alpacas!

Merisi said...

you sure have the most varied selection of original images in the whole blogosphere!

I really was *lol* out loud at the sight of those Apacas, and your choice words let the whole assemble come to life in a way only you know how to!

Big hugs,
(and yes, our little Sony Cybershots,
may they rest in peace, they earned it, didn't they?
Funny, how we both now own those little magic Panasonic Lumix cameras, serendipity!)

Carver said...

These are all great choices for A. The albino peacock is a rare beauty.

Nanka said...

Cute looking Alpacas and clever to notice the apple core leaf :)

Sylvia K said...

Oh, what a great group for the A Day!! I love them and particularly the albino peacock! How lovely! Great captures as always! Hope your week is going well!! Enjoy!

ABC Team

Reader Wil said...

Again amazingly artistic!

Kate said...

Always an array or medley of good photos for the alphabet of the day!

Gigi Ann said...

I loved that picture of the Abandoned Auto. You did another Awesome job Again this week.

Roger Owen Green said...

I DO see the apple core leaf.

And the alpacas look as though they could be in a rock band.

ChrisJ said...

You are always so versatile. I love the albino peacock and the alpacas.

LisaF said...

Well, you are certainly off to a grand start! What a great collection of As.

Cheryl said...

Fantastic photos for A. I especially like that rusted auto. Saw the bitten apple right away.

ABC Team

Anonymous said...

Whoa, lots of A's there. I had a hard time coming up with a single photograph for this week! Love that old truck!

nycstylelittlecannoli said...

what great pix! a lady I work with raises alpaca's...they are soo cute!!

Hildred said...

Oh, you have so many wonderful As, - I was left with the prosaic Apple but spruced it up by telling everyone about the Ambrosia Apple, propogated in the Similkameen, just down the road.

Rajesh said...

Who always find a wonderful choice of words.

Tumblewords: said...

Love that apple core! And the adorable alpacas - what a special trim job they have! The albino peacock is amazing - I didn't know they existed...Great A post.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I haven't seen an albino peacock, I have seen an albino chinese.

Dawning Inspiration said...

What a gorgeous creature that albino peacock!

Gattina said...

Yes, that's true these alpacas are real cute, but the peacock is not bad either, I have never seen an albino one !
ABC team

MaR said...

Fantastic shots for A! I have never seen an albino peacock before, how interesting.


Kerri Farley said...

Perfect "A"s. LOVE the leaf that looks like an apple core! How cool!

Friko said...

The photo of the abandoned car wreck is my favourite.
It takes a keen eye to see its possibilities.

Carol said...

Great photos! I saw the apple core leaf right away. But I have never seen an albino peacock, he is a beauty. You captured wonderful A's!

jijie said...

I'm your newest follower from ABC-WED, hope you will follow me back here@ Step Up
Take Care

Bettey said...

Thank you for stopping by to visit yesterday. I got such a great response from my Astoria, OR post with peoples memories of visiting the area, I have decided to continue the theme all week!

Hood Photo Blog

kc bob said...

Albino peacock? I always learn something when I come here Sue!

Prettypics123 said...

Thanks for coming by and leaving comments at Levonne's Pretty Pics. Much appreciated!

I like number three. Old vehicles really attract me. Those llama are cute too!

ethelmaepotter! said...

I have never seen an albino peacock, but surely it must be the most gorgeous bird in existence!
I immediately saw the apple core; in fact, I thought it WAS an APPLE CORE at first glance!
And your alpacas - aren't they corralled in an Aqua fence?

Congrats on POTW!

ethelmaepotter! said...

Whoops! Shoulda said congrats on your recommendation of POTW! Well deserved recommendation!

teresa said...

fun post!

AVCr8teur said...

One of the alpacas look like it is having a bad hair day. I've never seen an albino peacock before. How unusual.

Merisi said...

Dear Sue,
congratulations on being the chosen one among those photographers who had been nominated for the Post of the Week Award. You richly deserve it, you being one of the masters of photography with a point and shoot camera. Your images are proof that a great picture is the work of the photographer behind the camera and not the other way round!

I am amazed how well you get to know your cameras. Few people are as familiar as you with the intricacies of their tools.

Big hug,

Unknown said...

An Astounding blog for A!
Thank you!
HelenMac, ABC Team

photowannabe said...

My Goodness...thank you Merisi and thank you all for the lovely comments.
Merisi, You are so sweet to give me such an endorsement. I'm blown away and am forever greatful.

Beverley Baird said...

Great romp through A! Loved your choices and your photos!
have a great week!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Clever, talented and great choices! Very ABUNDANT! Love the apple core leaf...