Monday, January 10, 2011


ZOWIE! We have made it to the end of the alphabet.
Here we are at the letter ZED or " Z ".
I believe it was ZERO hour for this ZEBRA.
The Bush of Kenya proves its the survival of the fittest.

The ZEBRAS in a herd stand a better chance of ZIPPING away from their natural enemies.
These beautiful animals seem to have a real ZEST for life.

This is not the ZOO!
Here you see wildlife in Real Time.
We were actually very close to this magnificent beast,
though we used our ZOOM to get closer.

The ZESTY ZINNIAS below are so pretty.
I saw bees ZIG ZAGGING their way to the flowers but I was unable to capture them with my ZOOM LENS.
Be sure to ZIP over to Mrs. Nesbitts link on my sidebar to see the ZILLION ZANY posts for the letter " Z ".
Keep scrolling down you will FINALLY get to the comment section. My posting really messed up this time. (:0)

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Mike's Travels said...

Love the lion... just seen the Narnia film; looks just like Aslan lol Blessings!

LC said...

Eek! Is that a dead zebra's leg? Loved the zebras and the lion. And I have enjoyed the alphabet journey from A to Z.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i much prefer the second photo of the herd of Zebras over the first one. LOVE the Lion... and glad he is not in a Zoo.

Hilary said...

Ztupendouz! Love how you captured that lion in mid-roar. Or was it just an intimidating yawn? And how incredible to happen upon a dead zebra like that.

Wanda said...

Well here we are at Z and you never disappointed us from A to Z.

Love your Lion....what a King!!!

Sylvia K said...

Terrific post for the Z Day, but then all of your posts are superb! Great collection of Zs for the day! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


Richard Lawry said...

Thanks for the awesome Z photos!

Nanka said...

Great picture gallery and mine is Zebra too!!But of course different :)

My Z is HERE

Gigi Ann said...

You are always so creative with words, and today you outdid yourself with the Z's. That lion looks very much like a lion should look, zooming up close.

Roger Owen Green said...

Zounds. RIP for that zebra. Nature can be cruel.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Carver said...

These are all great shots from the Bush of Kenya and I also love the zinnias. I've run across a few bears while camping but I've never seen zebras or lions in the wild. I've been to zoos that try to simulate a wild life habitat that have lots of land but obviously it's not the same as the native habitat.

EG CameraGirl said...

How wonderful it must have been to see the lion in the wild!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow! A great roaring lion picture! But my favorite is the beautiful blue zinnias.

Hildred said...

Great post, but sad about the zebra bones. Do we turn a blind eye to nature red in tooth and claw, so that such sights distress us?

Tumblewords: said...

Amazing photos! Amazing!

Kate said...

The zebras are perfect for the day!

Rajesh said...

Fabulous choice of words and images.

Dawning Inspiration said...

I think I'm in love with that lion shot you got... that's fabulous!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

One can tell that you had a lot of fun with this letter.

Gattina said...

must be very impressive to see all these animals so close !

ChrisJ said...

My goodness you did get a lot of Z's. The blue zinnias are beautiful too.

Rune Eide said...

You have really found the place for the most difficult letter in game - and with photos that match.

Dave said...

'Z' is a tough letter to use I think Sue. Loved the flower - Dave

jabblog said...

Amazing photographs! The lion is magnificent - what a memorable capture for you.

Reader Wil said...

I am always looking forward to reading your post! You take so much time to find all those words and to use them in a kind of story. Thanks for all the animal photos.

Yoshi said...

Great Z entry and thanks for sharing a great photos of zebra!
Have a wonderful day.

Misfit in Paradise said...

Zebras and zinnias. Two for the price of one!

Cheryl said...

Great captures. I'd love to see a herd in motion. That's got to be amazing.

Joy said...

To see a herd of zebras must have been wonderful sight, your photo captures it beautifully.

Unknown said...

I like to get up early to go out and breathe fresh air. I feel that it is good for health and a good habit