Friday, June 11, 2010


Its fascinating to watch the grape vines in our garden twist and turn
attaching their tendrils to anything in their path.
Be sure to enlarge this to get the full effect.
Have a wonderful weekend.
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Unknown said...

wow! this is a very cool picture! Love the colors as well!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sue! It`s rainy Saturday morning here, but our nature is blooming like in the midsummer time because of those two "hot" weeks in May.

I admire your pictures, how they can be so clear as big!
Also this one is marvellous to see as big.

Happy weekend to you and yours!

Elaine Yim said...

I like to see the tendrils and vine close-up and admire this mature's masterpiece.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I did inlarge it and this is an amazing photo. you captured it perfectly. we don't have grape vines, but the passion vine does the same thing, it has these same little feelers and once they wrap around somethng it is hard to remove them.

Dawning Inspiration said...

I'm fascinated by all the different greens in plants and how they each do different twisting and turning and blooming and growing....

Prettypics123 said...

Absolutely love this picture. It has a translucent quality about it. Thanks for that photowannabe. When you have a few minutes come by Levonne's Pretty Pics and check out my other blog also at Thanks.

Shammickite said...

I really like the way the tendrils are catching the light in this picture.

Wanda said...

That is one cool picture.. You can almost see it twisting and turning...

tsduff said...

Man alive, I've truly missed your blog! I don't know why I've been away from blogging so long - but it is delightful to see your awesome piccies once again. Forgive me as I browse... ;)

tsduff said...

There isn't much other than grapevine tendrils to impart life in a glance... great shot.

Marcie said...

Exquisite detail..and such stunning light!

John Roberts said...

The detail and color - amazing!

Hilary said...

Like a cross between a snake and a telephone wire.

Sujomi said...

Loving the twists and turns and the color - great shot!

LC said...

Love the composition and color. The way you capture light -- and life -- is inspiring. What a vibrant image of the combination of strength and fragility.

AVCr8teur said...

At first look, I thought it was a small snake of some sort.